Moving on

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 The girl is the brown hair, sat in silence in her bathroom. She has spent so many years with the mission of getting out of her town. Now she was alone, and she just wanted to see her family again. She knew that wouldn't be typical. The last thing she had told her parents was to never call her again. But then again . . . that was a heat of a moment, moment.

Salty tears began to fall down her cheeks. She wiped them away quickly, but nothing could stop them. She had been from hell and back. But the girl who sat crying, knew she couldn't throw herself a pity party. She was Spencer Hastings after all. A Hastings was never one to show their weaknesses; she had to be strong, to provide her maiden name.

Spencer missed her former lover. She missed his soft kisses, and how he was her safety net. Another tear slipped down her cheek, but once again, she wiped them away. She stared at her hands, and she held her breath. She remembered the days when she spent most her nights crying, and she remembered how she would stop. She would simply hold her breath until the tears went away, or she passed out from lack of air.

Her lungs ached for air, but she wanted the tears to go away. They eventually did, and Spencer took slow, deep, breathes. She changed her view to the photograph on the bathroom sink. She saw the photograph of her former lover and her. Her old friend took it when he had asked her to accept his promise ring. If only that promise had stayed together. Once again, her tears started falling, and she cursed her emotions.

Spencer heard her phone ring from the bedroom. She stood up from the floorboard, and walked to her phone. She didn't care if she missed the call. She would take her time, without a care in the world.

She grabbed the phone; she read the caller I.D. Toby. She stared at the phone. Her first love. She wanted to ignore the call, but her mind thought overwise. She placed the phone to her ear, and whispered the words of greeting. He made small talk; he was checking up on her. She gave him one word answers.

Spencer watched the clock; she had found a joy in counting the seconds. This kept her away from the powdered chemicals, and this kept her from falling back into insanity. She waited silently to listen to whatever he was talking about. He was talking about home. Emily was having the funeral, and Hanna was having an engagement party. She knew she had to come, to support her friends.

Spencer soon realized he was intoxicated as he talked to her. She realized Emily would call her the next morning telling her about her father, and she, Spencer, would have to seem surprised. Toby wasn't supposed to be informing her all of the information, but he rambled when he was drunk. Spencer started to gave into her own world, not in the mood to hear drunken rambles, and she was no longer present in the phone call. She then heard something that brought her back into reality. He told her something she had been yearning for the day he walked out. He told her he loved her, and that he wanted her to come home.

For some crazy reason, she visited again. She knew she would be sucked back into the blackhole, but Emily, her friend, needed her. Her father was killed in action, and it was wrong to not help her through the sudden death. Even though Toby said he wanted her back, she still kept her heart locked to herself. They had been broken up for a year, at this point. After the scare, they realized they wanted different things. Toby wanted a family. She wanted to finish school. They were doomed the moment she left her hometown. They both knew that. She wanted to cry at times, remembering how much she'd been through, but that made her stronger. If she could survive a stalker, then she could survive finals. It was how she thought things through. She could survive heartbreak. She could survive on her own.

When she got there, Emily was crying. Emily and she formed a stronger friendship once everyone went to college. She kept in touch with Emily the most of all her former friends. A part of the reason had to be Emily's friendship with Toby. It made things easier. Emily always gave updates, telling if Toby had moved on or not. This made her, Spencer, feel better and worry free. When Spencer heard about Emily's father, she knew she had to go. Emily needed her, even if that meant facing Toby. She had to at some point; she couldn't hide from her past. For some reason, her past always came back and attacked her.

She stayed with Emily for the night, making sure Emily stayed safe. She remembered when she thought Toby was deceased, and she had her break down. She also remembered how Emily fell apart when Maya died. Her father had a special relationship with his daughter, and Emily was talking his death hard. Spencer would coach her through the process of moving on, just like Veronica, Spencer's mother, helped her through Toby's betrayal so many years prior. The circumstances were so different, but the stance stood the same. Emily and Spencer both went through broken stages. Emily was in hers, and Spencer was still recovering from hers. However, she still wanted to hide away from the blue eyed man.

Eventually, Spencer ran into Toby. They had small talk. He asked her about her job, and she asked him about hers. They didn't go into deep details about their past year. Toby apologized for the drunken call, and Spencer pretended nothing mattered. She could tell that Toby had no memory on what he said to her, and her heart broke a tiny bit more. She was even more surprised when a girl came up from behind Toby, kissing his cheek. Her heart dropped to her stomach, and she wanted to be sick. Toby moved on, and Emily never had the heart to tell Spencer. She understood the reasoning, but she still wanted a warning.

Toby and Spencer didn't speak to each other at the funeral. They sat on both Emily's sides, and Emily's mother, Pam, sat on Spencer's right side. Spencer had the ability to calm Pam down if she had a breakdown at the funeral. Emily knew she wouldn't be able to see her mother's state. Spencer also spoke at the funeral, placing her big girl mask on. She told a story about a memory she had of the man who died. She nearly cried at one point. He was a father-figure to Spencer, since her family were absent most of the time. She made the people in the church laugh at one point, easing the tension of the fallen soldier. She made things easier. She always made things easier.

After the funeral, Spencer told Emily she had to leave. Emily understood, but Spencer offered her apartment to Emily. She told her she was always welcomed, Emily gave her a nod and a hug. Spencer kissed the girl's head, in a sisterly way. They said goodbye, and Spencer walked to her car. Toby walked up to her before she left. They made more small talk, but then the girl called Toby over. Spencer gave him a weak smile, and he walked away. Once she got in her car, she drove to a private spot. She cried. Her tears soon stopped, and she wiped her eyes. Then she started to go back home. There, she prayed, she would forget the boy with blue eyes.

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