Would it be okay if I kiss you

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Before the accident, Toby and Spencer to speak to each other.


Spencer was surprised to see Toby texting her to meet him. Especially after he ripped her heart out, again. He was supposed to be in Maine with Yvonne, but instead he was meeting Spencer. She was ultimately confused, and she was very hesitant at first. She agreed, however, but she was going to keep her heart close and not on her sleeve. She had been doing that lately.

They both agreed at their usual spot. The spot where they first really bonded. The rock that stabilized their relationship and made them realize they love each other. It was their place.

Spencer arrived, and she say Toby was already sitting on the rock. He was tugging his hair. She walked over and sat next to him. They sat in silence for a while.

"Yvonne's pregnant," he said, breaking the silence. "It's why I wanted to get out so fast."

"You couldn't run because it was too much. Because it would make you look like a deadbeat dad."

"And I didn't want her to get hurt. I was gunna do work there. For you and the girls."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"You always give me common sense."

Spencer sat in silence. She played with her necklace, like the ones the girls were given. She wanted to be selfish, but she knew she couldn't be. Everyone expected her to be selfless.

"Do you love Yvonne?"

Toby nodded.

"Do you love that child inside her?"

Toby nodded.

"Then what's keeping you from being happy with them?"

They both knew the answer.

"You," he stated. "You are willing to sit back and watch Hanna and Caleb form a new relationship, again. You are willing to keep yourself from coming back to me when Caleb broke your heart. You are willing to say you killed him in order to save your friends. You."

"Do you love me?"

"I don't know."

"Are you in love with the old me?"

He didn't answer. That meant a yes.

"Tobes, be with Yvonne. Have you happy ending with a small town and a quiet life."

"What if I don't want a quiet life anymore?"

"You've always wanted a quiet life. Life was a lot quieter here before I came."

"You mean, Charlotte getting out."

Spencer shrugged.

"Let's go to The Brew," Toby offered. "Think it over a drink."

Spencer nodded. "I won't get drunk this time."

"Good, because Marco isn't here to give you a pick-me-up."

Spencer blushed. "How did you..."

"He told me."

They didn't say anything. They both decided they should ride together, and then drive back out to the spot. They took Toby's truck.

. . .

"Spence," Toby started, "I've missed you."

Spencer didn't say anything. She wanted to cry. She missed him too.

"I just want you to know I—" he was cut off when they were compacted with another car. The car drove off as soon as the impact hit them. The truck flipped over, rolling, and it landed on the top. Spencer let out a scream as they rolled, but was silenced when the glass hit her head.

. . .

She woke up. Her arm ached and her head was bleeding. She tried finding a way out of her seat. The seat belt was stuck. She looked around, trying to find something sharp. Toby's pocket knife. Once she was freed, she tried opening the door. Stuck.

Using the strength she had, she grabbed the headrest of the seat, and she bashed it on the window. The glass shattered. She climbed out.

She looked around. No one was around her. She smelt oil. Then she smelt smoke. That meant an explosion was coming. Crawling over to Toby's side, she opened the door. She tried pulled him out, and he was barely awake. He glanced at her, fiddling with the seat belt. They were able to get out of the car. Spencer sat on the ground, putting Toby's head in her lap. Toby handed her a phone. He called 911.

The woman said to stay on the line, but the phone lost connection. Spencer and Toby could only wait. Spencer knew he was going to die. He could barely keep his eyes open. She promised herself she wouldn't cry.

"Tobes, would it be okay if I kiss you? I missed you."

Toby nodded, slightly. Then his eyes closed. Spencer kissed him, tears leaking from her eyes. Her fingers were placed on his pulse as she kissed him. No pulse. He was dead. Spencer let out a mix of a sob and a cry. She stopped as soon as she saw the red and blue lights.

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