Another Teen Cliche

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Spencer was the stereotypical nerd: large glasses, long hair, plaid clothing, but no braces. Spencer blamed her mother for her lack of clothing style because those were the clothes Veronica wore. Spencer was top in her class, and she found time to volunteer. Spencer wasn't insanely popular, but people knew who she was. Smart was the new sexy, but the plaid turned off that sexy.

"Spence, are you going to the party tonight," Hanna, her best friend, asked. "We can meet some cute dudes and hook up with them."

Spencer laughed, "I have to stay in tonight. Parents have this stupid dinner for me to go to."

"Please, we never go out. It will be fun."

"Hanna, I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"Are you and Hastings coming to the party tonight," Toby asked. Toby was insanely popular. He played soccer and baseball. However, the popularity never got to his head. Even though he had a name brand for himself, he never let that name change him.

"Spencer won't be," Hanna rolled her eyes, "She's being prudish."

"Hanna, I have a family thing. You know my parents. They won't let me get out of it."

"Shame, really wanted to see you in something other than that plaid skirt," Toby smirked at her. Spencer rolled her eyes, but she couldn't prevent the blush rising on her cheeks.

"Her closet is filled with only plaid skirts since her mom won't let her wear anything else."

"Maybe next time," he flirted, "I won't be at the party either," he stepped closer to her. Spencer could feel his body heat radiating near hers.

"Toby Cavanaugh not at a party, shocker!" she said, smirking at him.

Toby laughed, stepping away from her, "I'll see you in AP Cal."

Toby walked away, and Hanna turned to her friend. "Why is Toby Cavanaugh flirting with you?"

"He's like that with everyone."

"Not like that! Spencer I think he likes you."

"Whatever you say, Hanna. I have to get to class."

Spencer made her way to class. However, she found herself being pulled into an empty classroom, with lips pressing against hers. She pulled away, looking at Toby.

"What part of, 'Don't let Hanna find out', did you not understand?"

"What do you mean," he grinned at her, "I didn't do anything."

"The flirting!" she laughed, hitting his chest. "But we are still on for tonight, right?"

Toby pecked her lips, "Yeah. Then we can actually make this thing official once your parents allow you to date me. No more sneaking in classrooms."

Spencer smiled, brushing her nose against his cheek. "If we have time after, we can go to the party. I have something other than plaid for the dinner tonight."

"You? No plaid! That's a shocker."

Spencer hit his chest, laughing. "Shut up, you're going to be able to see me in something other than plaid, be happy about that."

Toby laughed, "I'd rather it be on the floor than on you," he whispered in her ear. Spencer's eyes widened and her cheeks became pink. "If that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay with me," she whispered back. Toby looked at her, smiling lightly. "Be good tonight. Be yourself too."

"I will. I wanna make this work. I want to be with you,"

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