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Prompt: Spencer is a successful interviewer for a talk show. She meets Toby at a bar, and she sleeps with him. Then the next morning, she finds out he is a part of the band she is interviewing the next day. 

Warnings: Language

Other notes: I put Noel and Aria in the fic, briefly, because the show did them no justice lol.

Spencer Hastings, a successful interviewer, had a bad day. Her birth mother showed up on Spencer's doorsteps, telling Spencer that her whole life was a lie. Spencer cried for two hours before she grew the nerve to call the woman who raised her. She wanted to believe the lady was lying, that she knew Spencer's successful life and wanted money. But she wasn't lying.

Spencer was adopted, and the woman who raised her didn't carry her.

Spencer still told the lady to leave. The lady may be her birth mother, but she is not her mother.

So it was understandable when Spencer found herself in a bar, sipping a glass of alcohol. Drinking was never a good idea for her. She had a past with substance abuse, but she never misused alcohol.

"Rough day?" a man said. Spencer turned her head towards him. He looked familiar, but she couldn't put a name to the face. She blamed the alcohol.

"Isn't that the main reason you find a girl drinking in a bar?" Spencer said, a smirk appearing on her lip.

"Maybe she just wants to have fun," the stranger said.

"By herself? And most girls when they go out drinking, they don't wear a business suit."

The stranger laughed, "Want to share what's on your mind then?"

"Only if you share what's on yours."

"My friends dragged me over here. I have this thing tomorrow and we have a tradition."

"I found out I was adopted."

"Well, yours topped mine," he laughed. Spencer liked his laugh, it felt soothing. "That sucks. I remember when my step-sister moved in. Suddenly I was chopped liver."

Spencer chuckled, "I'm Spencer."


Toby and Spencer sat with each other for a while. Spencer drank her drink and Toby drank his. Suddenly the newest boyband, The Liars, had their song played.

"Fuck!" Spencer said suddenly. "I have the interview tomorrow."

"What interview?"

"On this new band. My boss is making me do it since I am the prettiest girl on the squad. A bit sexist, I mean, the boys could be gay or bisexual or pansexual or asexual or any sexuality that they want to call themselves. Of course, that are actual sexualities, not the ones that mock the LGBT community."

Toby raised an eyebrow, "Are you done with the rant?"

Spencer nodded, sheepishly. "I don't listen to their music. Well, of course, I have heard this song. It's played on every channel on the radio. I don't even know what the boys look like. I was so preoccupied with my personal life, I forgot my fucking job. Why am I telling you this?"

"You are half drunk," Toby replied. Toby continued talking, but Spencer wasn't listening. She started to panic because she felt unprepared. Then, looking at Toby, she felt herself staring at his mouth. She stared at the way the moved when he talked. Spencer found herself leaning forward and kissing the man. He made a surprised noise, but he kissed her back.

The small kiss became larger. Spencer found herself pulling herself closer to him, and his hands wrapped around her hips. His shirt was bunched in her fists. Toby then pulled away, looking at her.

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