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Spencer was awoken by a knocking at her door. Her head ached, and she knew it was from the drinks the night before. She slipped on a sweatshirt, and walked to the door. Her friends, including the men, stood. She scanned the group, meeting eyes with Toby. He gave her a reassuring smile, and then Spencer's blood ran cold. She knew they were giving her an intervention.

"Guys, why are you here. It's like eight in the morning."

"Spence, it's one in the afternoon," Aria said, and Spencer's eyes grew wide. She missed the group discussion about Jenna. They were going to complain that Spencer wasn't doing anything to help.

"Why are you here?"

"We need to talk," Caleb said. Spencer nodded, "Something is up with you, and we don't like it."

"You aren't doing anything to help us take down this psychopath," Hanna said, bluntly. "All you do is cry and drink. It's pathetic."

"Hanna!" Emily snapped. "Be nice."

"I'm sorry that I'm not running around like a headless chicken," she snapped.

"Spencer, don't get defensive. We are trying to help," Ezra said.

"No!" she said. She heard her voice cracking and she hated losing control. "You are trying to tell me I'm not doing enough for you guys! But I was the only one who did shit when we were teenagers!"

"That's not true!" Alison said, "I did stuff."

"I was the one who figured out Ezra screwed another minor! I was the one who followed Mona into that damn motel room, nearly getting myself killed in the process! I face Ian, and he almost killed me as well! I figured out Toby was working with A! I've done so much shit for all of you, and you never thanked me. You only expected me to do more! I'm going through so much shit right now. From Caleb fucking up my emotions, to A.D. shooting me, to Toby's accident, and to the fact my entire life has been a lie because I'm not a Hastings! I'm sorry that my first thought isn't finding out who A.D. is. I'm scared out of my freaking mind, but I can't just ignore my PTSD!'

"Spencer," Toby started, "We aren't expecting you to do anything," he said, gently. He reached for her hand, but she yanked her hand away.

"I can't believe this," she found herself beginning to cry. She covered her face. "You think I'm not trying. Do you think I want this to be over. But have you even considered that maybe I don't want to deal with this? That maybe this is messing my mind up and I can't eat or sleep. Maybe I'm tempted to go back to those damn drugs again! Toby would know! Here's my big secret, I started using again when I was in D.C. Because it was the only thing to calm me down!"

Her friends stared at her, shocked. Toby chewed his lip, "Spence, no one is going to hurt you. Not this time."

"I was nearly killed! A.D. shot me! I was almost killed, just like every time!" she was sobbing. Her voice was shaky as she yelled at her friends. "I'm always protecting you guys! And I'm tired of getting almost killed! I just want to be safe.So I'm not being Nancy Drew again."

Spencer ran to her room, slamming the door shut. She sat in a ball on the floor, unable to carry herself up anymore.


The room was silent after Spencer's outburst. Toby wouldn't admit he was on Spencer's side. She was right, but she still wasn't right.

"Someone should check on her," Caleb said.

"Did we push her?" Hanna asked.

"What do you guys think? I mean you literally told her that she wasn't doing anything. But you guys didn't do anything when we were teenagers. It was mainly Spencer, Caleb, and I playing detective," Toby snapped. He rubbed his face with his hands, "Last time you pushed her this hard she ended up needing to go to rehab."

"Look, dude, she still needs to put her share into helping," Ezra said. "She can't leave the girls doing everything."

"What has Aria done?" Toby asked. "Hanna and Emily are doing stuff, so is Caleb. You're doing nothing at all."

"Okay, guys, we'll leave. Toby, you talk to her. She only listens to you and her sister."

"She used to listen to Caleb before he cheated and confessed his love to Hanna," Emily muttered.

"Hey!" Caleb said.

Hanna rolled her eyes, annoyed. "She dated her best friend's ex."

"Let's just go. Toby stay," Alison said.

"I'm not a dog."

Within minutes, the group left, leaving Toby alone in the room.


Toby got up, walking to the door. He knocked on the door. "Spence, you okay?"

"Are they gone?" she asked. "I don't want to face them."

"They are gone, Spence."

Spencer opened the door, and Toby's heart ached at the image of her. She looked exhausted and emotionally drained. She walked to the couch, Toby following her there. When they both sat, Spencer kissed him, pulling away before he could react. "Thank you for sticking up for me."

Toby nodded, "I don't know why they think having an intervention will help anyone."

"I don't know anymore. Why did I even come back here? I should have stayed away because then I wouldn't have gotten into this mess and I wouldn't be having nightmares and I wouldn't be drink so much."

Toby sighed, wrapping his arm around her. She curled up next to him. "But we wouldn't have reunited."

"We would have found a way," Spencer commented. "I'm just sick of it all. But I feel this time, this person is someone who was close to me in the past. Like yeah, they shot me, but they also distracted Jenna from shooting me in the head. In a way, they saved me life."

"Who do you think it is?"

"Honestly? Wren. He mentioned how he treated Charlotte, and he knew her from when she was a youngling. Like what if, he's just doing this to get answer. Who killed Charlotte? And why would they kill her in the first place?"

"Maybe it was one of the girls."

"I don't know, but they were stupid if they did. How could they not think there would be someone trying to find it out."

"Are you angry with them?"

"I'm angry at Caleb. He's a scum. I also think that Emily is being irrational. But who isn't? It's her way of coping. Aria is just Aria. You are doing your best. Marco is pissed at me, but he's still going to help. For someone who doesn't do anything, I've managed to get two cops to agree to help us."

Toby laughed, "Marco is taking it pretty well, us being together. I thought he'd react differently."

"He pretty much knew I was in love with you for our few meetups. He asked me and I couldn't just say no."

"I gotta say, I liked him better than Caleb."

"Caleb was a mistake and a dick."

Toby laughed. He kissed her head, "Promise me you'd start getting help with the drinking thing?"

"Okay, I will."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

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