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This took me three weeks to write, yikes. I have the plan for the next one and I promise it'll be better.

Spencer sat on the edge of her bed, brushing her hair. Her parents were throwing her a party for her eighteenth birthday, and she had to find a husband. It was a royal tradition. However, Spencer did not want to marry, but she knew she had to. Her sister married a man named Wren, and she was happy with him.

"Spencer?" Aria asked. Aria was one of her three Ladies. "Are you ready for your fitting?"

Spencer nodded, "Yes," she smiled. "But I'm scared, honestly."

"About the ball?"

"What if I don't meet someone? Then I'll have to marry someone my parents decide, which wouldn't be good."

"You'll find someone, I promise," Aria smiled, but Spencer didn't feel reassurance. She still feared the worse, and she hated herself for the action. "But let's get you ready. Hanna is waiting to do your makeup."

"And Emily?"

"Emily will be at your side for the night."

Spencer nodded, sighing. "Already, what have you picked out for me?"

Aria grinned, leading Spencer to the dresses. A grey dress was set out, and Spencer smiled at the dress. It looked beautiful. The dress was filled with layers as it fell to the ground. Aria was always good at picking outfits for Spencer to wear.

"Now here comes the dreaded part, the corset."


Once everything was finished, Spencer slipped on her flats. She was not of age to wear heels. Her family had a tradition that when a girl married, she would be given her first pair of heels. Peeking through the window, Spencer noticed all the men gathering in the room. None of them appealed to Spencer, but she knew she had to dance with everyone.

"Checking out the crowd," a voice said. Spencer jumped away from the curtain, looking at the person. He looked familiar, but Spencer couldn't placed her finger on it. "You probably don't remember me," he chuckled. "Sir Tobias of England."

Spencer arched an eyebrow, looking at the man. He was decent. Spencer wouldn't say he was the most attractive man alive. His hair was shaggy, surprising for a gentleman. Spencer noticed how his eyes were blue, so blue she felt like she was lost in them. He also wore a formal suit, and he looked an uncomfortable as she felt in the dress.

"Princess Spencer of France, but please, call me Spencer."

"I know," he chuckled, "We are here to win your heart, aren't we. Which seems silly, if you ask me."

"It's a tradition."

"Traditions are meant to be broken."

Spencer rolled her eyes at the comment. "Aren't you supposed to be in there? Waiting? Not to spoil the reveal of the me?"

"Your parents let me come back here."

"Why so?"

"Well, Princess Spencer, you probably know me better as Toby of the Kitchen," he smiled.

"Toby of the . . .wait. How did you become a gentleman!"

"I was adopted by a family," he said, leaning against the wall. "So I took their title. They were unable to bare children, so your parents gave me to them."

"Against your will?"

Toby shrugged, "There are ups," he said, and he looked at her. He smiled, slightly. He looked at Spencer, looking at her outfit, taking her appearance in. A small smirk appeared on his face, causing Spencer the blush. Toby laughed, "and there are downs."

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