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This is honestly how I feel about Spoby's ending, but when I was watching I had an idea. Basically, this is another way they could have shown the twin reveal. It's a big darker than the reveal, but this would make more sense and more intense. Also, I am very pissed that they have used three sexual assault story lines this season, and I probably won't forgive the writers for that. This also contains suicidal thoughts and actions, so you've been warned.

Spencer sat in the cell, holding her knees to her chest. Her hands were wrapped around her legs as she stared at the wall. Ever since Spencer was shot, she was in the cell. She last thing she was remembered was talking Marco outside her house. The only person who kept her company was her psycho twin, Alex Drake, and her birth mother, Mary Drake.

"Spencer, are you awake?" Mary asked. She looked at her daughter. Mary didn't agree with Alex's tactics, and Mary knew Alex was planning on killing Spencer. Mary wouldn't let that happen.

Spencer just looked at Mary. "Has she hurt my friends?"

"No, but she's convinced Aria to work with her."


Mary didn't want to tell Spencer that Alex had kissed Toby, not once, but multiple times. She also didn't want to tell Spencer that Alex had been comforting Toby since Yvonne's death. And she especially didn't want to tell Spencer that Alex had also gotten cozy with Marco.

"Mary, please tell me."

"She is very good at being you."

"No one knows? No one at all?"

"Marco got close on figuring it out. But he got a call saying he was off the case."

Spencer didn't say anything after that. She couldn't believe her friends couldn't tell that she wasn't there, and she couldn't believe Toby couldn't tell the difference. Spencer grew to understand the fact that Alex had seduced Toby into bed.

"She won't hurt any of them."

"Mary, I'm scared. What if I am stuck here forever? What if I am doomed here? And I won't let you help me. Wren tried to break me out and he's dead now. I can't believe he's Alison's baby's father. This is too messed up."

"That wasn't the plan the plan was to know who killed Charlotte. Not do this. I don't know why she's doing this to you girls."

Spencer stayed quiet and she looked at the wall again.


Toby's arm was wrapped around Alex's waist when he heard his phone rang. He sat up, looking at who was calling him. Jenna. Toby rolled his eyes and declined the call. Within seconds, she was calling him again. Toby assumed it had to be important. He slide out of bed, and grabbed a pair of shorts.

"What do you want Jenna?" He asked once he answered the call.

"Are you alone?"

"Spencer's in the bedroom. What do you want?"

"We need to talk."

"What do you have to say."

"That's not Spencer."

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