1.17 | Grounders

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Disclaimer: I (sadly) don't own The 100, which was created by J*son Rothenberg.
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- 17 -- Grounders -

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- Grounders -

Coralie and Jasper were in their shared tent, packing anything they had such as blankets and weapons in their bags.

They weren't even shocked when the flap of their tent revealed Bellamy, who was bent down slightly as he was halfway in the tent.

"Coralie," he spoke. "Can I talk to you?"

"Uh," she turned to Jasper who nodded at her before leaving quickly. Bellamy fully made his way inside and stood beside Coralie.

He didn't say anything before reaching forward and bringing her into his arms out of nowhere. She stood still in his embrace, but he did nothing but hold her close to his body, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"I'm so sorry, Sunshine," he mumbles. "I was selfish and I thought that pushing you away would bury the feelings but it just made me want to be with you every second of the day even more. I hated when you ignored me and left whenever I approached you. I miss your sweet voice and calm tone being there to soothe me when I'm angry, and I just miss you in general. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I know that now," Bellamy closes his eyes as he feels her lean into his touch ever so lightly.

He then continued. "When you went missing after I told you to stay, something broken inside me at the chance of us finding you somewhere not breathing. I blamed myself but when we found you near that bridge, I got so angry with you and I don't know why. But then when I saw you tied up with Murphy all over you, I just knew that everything I said and did was dumb. I never meant to hurt you, Sunshine." His voice was quiet but she heard every word. He pulled away and used his thumb and forefinger to caress her chin, gently tilting it up so the two made eye contact.

"What about Raven?" Coralie whispered.

"What about-? Sunshine, it didn't mean anything. She was mad, I was mad and I know that's no excuse but we thought that the only way to overcome those feelings was to get it off of our chests but in the end all I felt was guilty and regret."

"Bellamy..." Coralie trailed off. "I really wanted to be in a relationship with you, and I thought you did too-"

"I do," Bellamy quickly added.

"But you were right. A relationship would just complicate things. There's a high chance that half of us aren't going to even make it to that ocean without running into grounders, and I don't want you worrying about me and then getting yourself killed in the process."

"Coralie," he sternly said. "I will always worry about you," his voice grows unbelievably soft and his eyes grew a tint of hurt in them as he guessed where she was going with this. "I was a fool to call it all off, you know that, right? I like you... I like you so much, Sunshine."

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