Chapter 12: The Plans Of Suicide

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See? ^ I'm so busy I don't have enough time to go back and fix that.


Make sure to read my authors note and the end it's very important.

If you don't then you will just be confused next week.

Chapter 13


I grabbed my laptop off my bed and opened up Kayla's videos. I slide to the one that I'm on.


I groaned and grabbed my phone of my desk.


"Tyler! Why haven't you texted me back?" Samantha demanded. She didn't even bother to say hello to me. She was so annoying. I was almost going to yell back at her but then I remembered that I was supposed to be sick.

"Sorry I was sick today I didn't see it." I lied.

"Bullshit." Samantha sneered. "It came up as read."

"Huh? I read it? I don't remember, my mom put me on these loopy medicines." I said. I didn't really think about what I was saying because I could care less what Samantha thought of me. I was sick of pretending to like her, and I was done trying to convince myself that I actually did.

"You were sick? Huh. That's not what I heard," She said. She obviously jealous. I rolled my eyes. Why am I even dating her? I didn't like her. I never really did, I just thought she was hot. I was always hoping that I would start to like her, and forget about Kayla, but that never happened. And now Kayla's gone. If I just would have done something, anything, she would still be alive.

I hate myself.

And you know what? I hate Samantha too. She's a clingy bitch and only cares about herself. I just can't believe it took me this long to realize it.

'Well, then what did you hear?" I said trying to sound equally as annoyed as she was.

"I heard that you and Haley Brooks ditched and were making out in your car!" Samantha yelled through the phone. Wow. That was way off. I guess if I heard that I would be pretty pissed too. Well, no that's a lie, I would be relieved.

"Samantha, Haley best friend, Kayla killed-"

"I already know about Kayla killing herself. She just wanted more attention, and second that isn't a fucking excuse for you making out with Kayla!" Samantha screamed.

"I wasn't making out with Haley, and Kayla did not want attention. You don't know anything about her!" I yelled harshly.  What the hell is wrong with her? Kayla didn't want attention, she just wanted to not live her life. It has nothing to do with wanting attention. Where would Samantha even come up with something like that?

"Oh like you knew so much about her? You only dated her in like ninth grade! And that was three years ago!" Samantha spat. She was wrong. I knew a lot about her. I wish I didn't know so much about her.

But I couldn't tell her about that. I couldn't tell her about the videos.

"I know a lot more than you do." I said quietly.

Samantha snorted. I felt my muscles tense up, she had no idea what she was talking about. She was being such a bitch.

I bet Kayla hated her.

I couldn't take her anymore. She didn't know anything about Kayla and was talking shit on her, and now was denying that I ever knew her.

"Okay, you know what Samantha, you honestly have no idea what you're even talking about." I said. That was a big mistake. Now she is going to flip out on me and I really don't need this. I need to finish Kayla's videos and not argue with my bitchy girlfriend.

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