005 ; above the surface

128 30 5

"Otousan, i'm home."

i stepped past the doormat littered with blossoms and placed my schoolbag on the floor.

i could hear the sound of a pot boiling on the stove

the smell of sticky rice and egg filled the air.

i hoped he hadn't been at it for too long without me

i didn't like leaving him alone.

"Sora-chan, how was school?"

he stood with his back to me

folding the tamagoyaki.

his scruffy black hair filled with steam as he turned to look at me.

his scruffy black hair filled with steam as he turned to look at me

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he smiled and i wanted to cry for his sadness

but i didn't.

"the usual," i replied. "how was your day?"

"the usual," he said

then turned back to the stove and continued stirring.

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