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we both sat on the merry-go-round

and Midori pushed off with her foot

so that we turned slowly

just gazing out at the park

watching as the world blurred before our eyes.

“want to talk about it?”

i turned at the sound of her voice

and shrugged.

it was freezing and when i looked up at the sky

rain clouds were forming above us

barely visible in the dark.

our only source of light was the streetlamps

and i could just make out Midori’s face as we looked at each other.

“you look cold,” she commented.

“i am,” i said.

this led her to pull off her rain jacket and drape it over my shoulders.

it was far too big for me

but it smelt like her

and i liked the warmth it held.

“thank you.”

she sped up the spinning of the ride

and i clung to the metal

to stop from falling.

then she slowed us down again

and we came to a stop

with our faces towards each other.

“Midori,” i said

still thinking about our previous kiss

“what are we?”

“what are we?”

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