041 ; waist beneath

45 19 2

intimacy, friendship

PART FIVE: waist beneath

Midori and i sat silently

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Midori and i sat silently

beside each other

watching as Zuzu leapt across grass and flowers swaying in the breeze

sending sand flying beneath her paws

and blades of grass in our direction.

the absence of words

would have been pleasant

had Midori been someone else.

her silence was making me slightly nervous

and i could only counter it to the growing swirl of unknown emotions

that were stirring inside of me each time we

were alone together.

it made me want to both avoid her and stay closer to her

which confused the hell out of me.

i glanced at her through my peripheral vision

she was staring straight ahead

but she didn't look uncomfortable in this situation at all.

i guess it's just me then.

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