016 ; toes dipped in

73 27 7

art club met on tuesdays and fridays.

it was small

about 12 people filled the room.

we were practising painting today,

anything we wanted.

i sat next to Midori.

i decided to paint the ocean.

Midori was painting a large dog-

i wondered if it was hers.

the room was still save for quiet conversations and occasional laughter.

the club head was the top art student but she was the kindest classmate i'd met.

when she complimented my artwork, i felt appreciated.

"does the dog have a name?" i asked, dipping a paintbrush into water.

Midori smiled at me past strands of hair.

"it's Zuzu. she's my uncle's."

she glanced over to my painting where i was applying thick layers of blue and green acrylic.

she glanced over to my painting where i was applying thick layers of blue and green acrylic

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"you really like the ocean, huh?" she grinned, showing a set of dimples.

i nodded and smiled back.

i guess i do.

[ ;)
when exams are cancelled due to extreme rainstorms tomorrow (。>﹏<。)
plus we're in a drought and really need the rain :/ ]

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