033 ; knee level

44 19 9

the film ended

but my gaze lingered on the ocean

watching as the water flowed continually

a never ending abundance of compassion

watching as she -

looked right at me

and i felt myself panic

but she laughed and pulled me out of my seat

leading us outside into the mall.

"i see you're a daydreamer, Sora-chan," she remarked.

i gulped and followed her.

we reached the exit and started to head in the direction of the train station.

"so what do you dream about?" she enquired smiling as she strode beside me.

i felt my cheeks heat up wondering if she knew i'd been staring for so long.


she playfully pulled a strand of my hair

and i started to make sense of the feelings i was experiencing

every time she smiled

every time she laughed

said my name with the endearment in her voice

every time i saw her enter the train

and my heart                                     leapt

with relief

that i had yet another train ride

another day

to spend with her.

my pulse quickened as it dawned on me for the first time

my pulse quickened as it dawned on me for the first time

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that maybe


i pushed it away.

that's not me, i thought

she's just an amazing friend

who i'm glad to have met.

nothing more.

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