049 ; waist beneath

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we didn't speak

on the way home.

i felt embarrassed for crying in the classroom

but Midori didn't seem to mind.

the train rocked back and forth as it moved

steadily like my heartbeat

as i breathed to calm myself.

beside me

Midori stared at her shoes

and i noticed how big her feet were compared to mine.

"thank you for telling me," she said softly

and i kept my eyes on my own feet

to stop from looking into her eyes

and making a fool of myself.


her voice caught in her throat

"thank you for trusting me."

i nodded

feeling the lump in my throat return.

how could i ever explain

how much she meant to me?

she was the first person i'd ever told about my mother

not even papa knew how long i'd spent with my mother's body

just crying out into her blood

for what i'd lost.

"it's why i keep my hair short,"

i said.

i flexed my fingers

and studied the veins along my hands.

"the -

the blood-

it wouldn't wash out."


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