021 ; ankles deep

74 28 14

ふち fuchi
deep pool, deep water, abyss

PART THREE: ankles deep

PART THREE: ankles deep

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the night was warm

i couldn't sleep.

i glanced at my phone


i threw my duvet off the bed and sat up facing the window.

memories played in my mind

of mama

of that day

of my promise that

i'd managed to break.

look now.

look at what i've become.

you're just a fragment of my broken imagination

i'm just an empty shell.

outside the leaves rustled in the warm breeze

making me sleepy

but still i couldn't sleep.

something cold, thick, hard

was growing inside of me.

a dread

deep in my stomach

making me nervous.

what happens now?

what is the point without her?

Okkasan, i miss you.

if it continued like this

Otousan would soon be gone too.

[and part 3 begins...]

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