043 ; waist beneath

37 20 2

"eh, なに?what do you mean?"

Midori never moved her eyes from the trees ahead

just spoke calmly

"i mean, where do you live?

who do you live with?

you've never really told me..."

she clasped her hands together around her knees

and finally looked towards me.

i escaped her gaze and glanced down at my legs crossed below me

i took in a breath,

"it's just Otousan and me.

we're not too far from here."

Midori nodded and didn't ask any questions

instead she suggested we head home

before it got dark.

i nodded.

as we parted ways a little further on from the park

i managed to say

"um, you could always come for supper sometime...you know

and meet my dad."

Midori smiled

"i'd love that."

then i watched her wave goodbye and walk down the road

until she was out of sight.

until she was out of sight

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