062 ; submerged

52 18 14

Midori wasn’t on the train that monday morning

nor the afternoon.

i didn’t see her at school

so i assumed she had stayed at home.

is she avoiding me?

i didn’t blame her if she was.

Kohaku sensed that something was wrong

and he pestered me the whole day about it

but i wouldn’t budge.


just tell me what’s wrong.”

we were both on the train home after maths

and he had invited himself over to my house

for supper.

he was looking at me

with a sincere smile.

he wasn’t wearing his glasses

and i noticed that they left a slight tan mark in their absence.

and i noticed that they left a slight tan mark in their absence

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i sighed

and looked down at my legs.

“it’s complicated.”

“then explain it to me.”

so i did.

he nodded here and there

and smiled when i mentioned our kiss

then when i finished,

he asked,

“what does it feel like?”


“to want to kiss someone?” he asked and

stared at me with a serious expression on his face.

“have you never felt that before?”

he bit his lip

and hesitated

then admitted softly

“i’m asexual.”

i nodded in understanding.

the train pulled into the station.

the train pulled into the station

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[i love kohaku so much ^.^
なに (nani) means 'what?']

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