026 ; ankles deep

62 26 11

"my uncle...he,

he hates my parents."

i looked at Midori as she spoke

after what felt like hours.

both of us were damp from her tears

but neither of us really noticed.

i let her continue

even though it was growing darker and colder every minute.

she sniffed,

"when i was six,

my mom tried to murder my dad.

when she failed, she blamed it on him and used his abuse as an excuse."

i had nothing to say.

what can i say?

"my dad was imprisoned for domestic violence

my mom for attempted murder.

my uncle hates them for abandoning me

he does love me

but sometimes he blames me

saying he'd still have his house and his old job

if i hadn't been born

and caused my parents' conflict."

i hugged her closer as she began to shiver

i was somehow still warm from my run.

i was somehow still warm from my run

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she looked at me

and my heart rate quickened for a moment.

"sorry...you don't want to hear this."

i shook my head and whispered,

"no, i do."

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