089 ; sinking deep

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a fire was lit inside our small home

making the living room cosy

as we all sat around the table.

Kohaku was arguing with Midori about who would sit next to me

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Kohaku was arguing with Midori about who would sit next to me

and Midori’s aunt was helping papa dish the food into bowls.

the room was alive with voices

and smells and smiles.

eventually Kohaku forced himself between Midori and i

looking pleased with himself

as he plopped down beside me.

i just shook my head and passed them each a bowl of steaming yaki soba.

conversation continued while we ate

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conversation continued while we ate.

Kohaku spoke in japanese with papa while

i spoke to Midori and her aunt in english.

i felt at home in this house

for the first time in years.

to have it filled with living

breathing people

was a comfort in itself.

after dinner

we toasted dango over the fire

and played card games.

the night never seemed to end.

by midnight

the snow was too heavy and the sky too dark to go home

so everyone had to stay the night.

Midori and Kohaku slept in my room

and her aunt slept on the living room couch.

never had the house been so occupied

that it warmed my heart.

[ yaki soba: a popular Japanese pan fried noodle with chicken or beef and stir-fried vegetables such as cabbage, celery, and carrots.

dango:  chewy Japanese rice dumplings that are often served on a stick ]

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