072 ; current ahold

44 17 8

i was almost finished my portrait

by the time art club came around.

every time i looked at it

my heart contracted

but by now i knew how to

hone into a certain detail

and remain unaffected by my mother’s smiling face.

“that’s looking good, Sora,”

my art teacher had said

the day before.

i wasn’t so sure.

something wasn’t quite right.

she shouldn’t be smiling.

she never smiled.

not for me anyway.

Midori sat beside me

but i felt her watching me paint

more than working on her own drawing.

it made me self conscious

made my heart flutter

up to my throat

making me want to smile

but scaring me too.

how does she make such an impact on me

from just being?

i breathed deeply

trying to focus on my brush against

the page

the clink of the jar filled with water

the mixing and swirling of paint on the palette

but to no avail

could i forget her beside me.

my mother stared back at me

as i looked up

she never smiled for me

she never smiled

she never


in a sudden surge of anger laced with sadness

i tore the painting in two.

[i’m sorry if the next few updates are slow. i ran out of pre-written chapters (which i almost always have so i know i can post) and just don’t have much motivation to write right now. hopefully i can get something down tonight though]

Through Viridian SeasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon