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the market was a flurry of people

and smells

and sights

and sounds.

children shrieked and adults chattered amongst themselves.

sellers spoke animatedly with their customers

and i noticed many a couple browsing the stalls together.

it made me think of Midori so i looked away.

Kohaku grabbed my arm and pulled me from one stall to another

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Kohaku grabbed my arm and pulled me from one stall to another

excitedly viewing the food items

and not so much the homespun cloth

or second hand books.

a table laden with jewellery caught my eye

and although i wasn’t fond of wearing it

the seashells hanging on one side drew me in to take a look.

the lady behind the table gave me a friendly smile

but didn’t offer help

much to my relief.

a small purple periwinkle shell

hung on a cord and glistened in the evening lanterns.

its green highlights sparked a memory of Midori’s fierce eyes.

“that one is ¥300*,” the woman said when she saw me studying the necklace.

i nodded and on impulse

decided to purchase it.

the rest of the evening i tried to forget about the girl plaguing my thoughts

and enjoy the night with Kohaku

but it took everything in me

not to cry whenever he left me alone for just a moment.

[ * ¥300 (japanese yen) =  R35 = US$2,6 = £2 .
just thought i’d do that lol. ]

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