083 ; sinking deep

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i knew i needed to do something


but all i could do was stare at her

and wait for an explanation.

“i’m leaving.”

i’m leaving.

i’m leaving.

i have to leave.

Midori, why?

       what happened to forever?

       what happened to together?

       what happened to love?

“i’m sorry.

i never told you

because i didn’t want to hurt you.

i wanted us to enjoy the time we had left together.

please understand that.”

my mouth felt dry

and even though my skin was frightfully cold

i couldn’t bring myself to move

into the house.

it was bound to happen.

i knew.

i knew she would have to leave at some point.

it’s just the way it works.

the tears were silent

and so was my shivering

and shaking

as i fell to my knees.


swept away in an instant.

the only sound the scream escaping my lips

raw and hoarse

nails on a chalkboard

dragging through my throat as i cried.


like always.

like always

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