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Kohaku was unusually silent

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Kohaku was unusually silent

for my sake

as we watched the ocean at sunset.

i’d asked to take a trip to the sea

and papa said yes

despite the 15 hour drive.

here we were

taking in the salty spray

roar of the waves

cool air against our skin

and it was beautiful.

i sighed

and breathed it in.

and i realised

that this wasn’t the end.

maybe we’d both been separated

but for all i knew

she was never my future.

maybe i was meant for greater things than romance

or teenage relationships.

things like fathers

and best friends

and becoming your own person.

Kohaku nudged my shoulder

and smiled.

i smiled back.

the wind blew through our hair

whipping our faces.

i watched Otousan feel the water

and leap back in surprise

and it felt good

to be with people who cared

and loved me for who i am.

people who hadn’t left me yet

and weren’t planning on it.

people i could count on

and could count on me.


i miss you

but you’re not everything in life.

i see that now.


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