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Kohaku was clearly embarrassed

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Kohaku was clearly embarrassed

to see me

after the tall guy had scrambled away in defeat.

i only punched him twice but clearly the shock of being assaulted

by someone with my height

was enough to send him running.

Kohaku stayed on the floor a while

and i sat with him

trying not to notice the tears streaming down his face.

i had a feeling i'd interrupted a common occurence

but i was glad

because now i knew

what he was going through.

"you're not alone, Kohaku-kun,"

i said softly.

he only nodded and wiped his face with his sleeve

you're not alone.

the words circled within me

and i had a sudden epiphany

in that moment

that Kohaku was going to be one of my closest friends.

i glanced at his small figure

slumped against the lockers

and realised

that even the amber sunlight

that brightened the days

with a goofy smile on his face

had his own shadows

that followed him around.

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