035 ; knee level

51 21 15

"i'm Kohaku



i hesitated for a moment

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i hesitated for a moment

who was this guy?

did he want something

or was he actually interested in befriending the girl in front of him?

he seemed nice enough at first glance.

"hi," i replied softly in japanese

and watched as he dried his hands and headed back to his desk

without another word.

after school i was walking to the extra maths class

when Kohaku appeared beside me

humming a song to himself.

"i've seen you around. i think we could be friends,"

he pushed his glasses up his nose

"i like your painting by the way."

his words caught me off guard

why does this feel familiar?

"arigatou gozaimasu,"

i managed to blurt

and he chuckled lightly.


he poked my shoulder and beamed at me

and i felt somewhat better than before

"i take it we both hate maths.

what else do we have in common?"

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