Chapter one

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Standing in front of my full-length mirror, I couldn't believe that I had agreed to this. Lisa my all time best friend was taking me out clubbing to get laid, as she so bluntly put it. As much as I tried to point blankly, say 'NO', she wasn't having any of it. Therefore, after an hour of her tormenting me, I finally gave in and agreed to go out. However, whether I got myself a man or not was another matter, I thought mentally giggling to myself.

I hadn't been out in the last eighteen months let alone with a man. My nerves were literally shot with the thought of her making me go off with some random stranger for a wild night of passion, well more like sex. That was the worst thing about Lisa though, you could never tell her no well you could, but she wouldn't have it or even listen, for that matter. Lisa was the type of girl that would always get what she wants and there were no ifs or buts about it. Lisa is the best friend anyone could have and loves her to bits even though she drives me crazy.

"Hey, Shorty gets your sexy ass down here now. I'm waiting for you to down these shots with me before we leave." Lisa screamed up at me. Taking in the dress that she had also made me wear, made me even more nervous if that was even possible. It was just a simple black body-hugging dress, but it was much shorter than what I used too. When I mean short, I mean if I was to bend down, it wouldn't just show my butt off to the world, it would end up around my waist, short.

I wasn't any model, but I think I was ok looking. With my long blonde hair and my very UNusual bright green eyes, I did manage to get noticed but not as often as I would've liked. I was a lot shorter than the average girl, standing at only five ft but it had never bothered me, as I had been blessed in other ways. Such as my DD breasts and my nice shaped hips and bum. However, right now I felt like a tart and an insecure one at that.

Just wanting to get this night over with, I finished by giving my eyes a smoky look before applying some lip-gloss. Slipping on my five-inch heels so I wouldn't look like some dwarf next to Lisa I glanced one last time into the mirror. Knowing I looked as good as I was going to get, so I set off down the stairs.

Lisa is a lingerie model, so I guess you can imagine how perfect her body is, no mind her stunning looks. She has a beautiful olive complexion and with her jet-black hair, falling just below her waist just adds to her beauty. She is a good ft taller than I am, but it never really bothered me. Well, that is until she put on her heels that is. Tonight though she had promised to wear her low heels so I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable, thank god.

" Alicia, if you don't get your ass down here in the next five seconds, I am going to come up there and drag your sorry ass down here! You hear me?" she screamed again. "I'm coming, gosh keep your knickers on woman," I screamed back annoyed and frustrated that I had to do this.

Dropping down beside her, I gave her a look to let her know that I was not happy about going out.

"Oh, Alicia just get these shots down you and chill will you! You have been down in the dumps for far too long now. You just need to get over it and start living your life, instead of always living in the past. Every man isn't like your dick head of an ex. Seriously, not every man would have acted as the coward he was. Alicia all I want is to see you happy again and if that means that I have to be mean then so be It.," she told me sternly as she pushed the line up of shots closer to me.

After my fourth shot I could feel myself becoming tipsy, it felt so good. All my insecurities flew out the window as I knocked back my last shot. "Ok, darling let's go and have some fun." Lisa squealed excitedly while jumping up and pulling me along with her.

Stepping out into the cool night air, my head began to spin. Obviously, the drink and fresh air were having some major side effect on me. I stumbled alongside Lisa in hope that her body would be able to support mine. We were both laughing whilst staggering towards the strip of clubs. I only lived a block away from the clubs, so as we turned the corner the sound of loud pumping music filled my body like a live electrical current. 'I can do this' I repeatedly told myself as I desperately tried to calm down my shattering nerves. Entering a club called Red-house, my nerves started to slightly fade and was delightfully replace with a bubbling excitement. However, that was short lived as we walked further into the club. My mouth literally dropped open at what I was seeing. It was packed like most clubs but not in the same way at all. Every male and female I could see was topless and if that wasn't bad enough they were dancing and grinding in every direction I looked. I suddenly felt overdressed, even though only moments ago I felt like a half-naked tart. It shocked me so much that it had even managed to sober me up a little.

"Hello there gorgeous, want to come and have some fun with me?" quickly grabbing a hold of Lisa's hand I stayed as close to her as possible. Ignoring the half-naked male, I tried my hardest to keep up with a near on running Lisa.

"Come on. I just have to meet someone quickly before we can go and have some fun." She shouted back over her shoulder at me. Giving her a quick nod, I just kept a hold of her hand and followed her up to what looked to be the V.I.P guest lounge.

A security guard guided us over to a table, however, I just kept my eyes glued to Lisa's back. Don't get me wrong I was 'NO' virgin but this was so not my scene. Damn, I was way out of my comfort zone here!

After what felt like hours, which I knew was more than likely only a few seconds, we arrived in front of a table that sat two men, 'WOW' and were they good looking. The first one to catch my eyes was facing me head on. His hair was jet black which had a rough look to it. However, that was nothing towards his body. He had the most perfect body I had ever seen. Then my eyes shifted towards the other man who was now talking to Lisa. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen, even brighter than my own. Our eyes instantly locked and so had his talking with Lisa. He just stared at me with a look I couldn't quite make out. It was as if something had caught him off guard, shocked even.

"OK, you two snap out of it now!" Lisa shouted at the two of us, snapping me back to reality. I hid behind Lisa feeling as embarrassed and confused to how I just acted. Acting the way, I did and to be caught drooling as well had me wanting to curl up and die of embarrassment.

'Oh, sweet Jesus helps me' I mentally prayed.

Lisa was laughing her head off as she pulled me out in front of her.

"Thomas, Timmy this is my best friend Alicia. Alicia this is my agent Thomas and his best friend Timmy." Lisa introduced us. Thomas who I was told was Lisa's agent was the first to approach me.

"Well, finally I get to meet the famous Alicia. Lisa is always talking about you. It's nice to finally be able to put a face to the name." He greeted me kissing both cheeks. Although it was an innocent kiss, I still could feel myself blush. Well come on I haven't been out in forever let alone with a man.

Thomas then stepped aside to Lisa and took her hand in his. "We'll be right back," he shouted over the loud music, giving us a playful wink. Lisa gave me the eyes she used to give me back in college; she so gracefully called them, get laid eyes. Ha, whatever. Then on another note, what could happen other than getting my heart ripped to smithereens again, I thought sarcastically to myself. Just thinking of my ex-had me wanting to be back in my apartment curled up in bed whilst drowning myself in self-pity.







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