Chapter five

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Walking into my empty apartment, I headed straight towards my bedroom. Without even showering, I stripped myself down to my underwear and climbed straight into bed. It wasn't long before I was far away in dreamland.

Dreaming of Timmy was becoming an every night affair. Nevertheless, every dream seemed to get more and more detailed as the nights passed by. The dreams had started by us just kissing and cuddling, and then it quickly moved on to groping with a lot of foreplay. Now! It's at the stage where we are finally making love. However, we never seem to finish what we started, as I always seemed to wake up before we could reach our highs. The worst thing of all though, was that every time I woke up, I was left feeling aroused and frustrated to a point were if some random stranger was to walk in my apartment, I would've probably pounced on him right there and then.

Even with knowing it was Timmy, I wanted.

Why, I asked myself, I haven't a clue. The only thing I did know was that night we had met he had done something to me, something that had hooked me in good and proper. It was as if I was caught on his line and he just kept reeling me in closer and closer, while I struggled to break free, both mentally and physically. However, as much as I wanted to free my mind of him, I didn't want to break free completely.

Over this past week, I have found myself aching to see him, to touch him, even to hear his deep mesmerizing voice. I wonder if he was feeling the same way. I suddenly asked myself, but then laughed at the thought of this more than perfect guy falling for a girl like me. Not a chance, I sadly thought to myself.

The next day Lisa came around as promised and we went down to the beach. It was a lovely day out; the sun was shinning making the sand sparkle whilst the water looked truly amazing. It would have been the perfect setting for a romantic walk with your lover. Shaking my head, I got rid of any romantic thoughts before they ended up, on the one and only Timmy again.

"Alicia", Lisa called, "Yes" I replied. "Hmm you know that night we were at the club and I ended up well pissed." She said looking anxious. I nodded my head while I mumbled a 'yes'. "Well, oh god Alicia there is no easy way for me to tell you this..." My mind began coming up with all random things that Lisa had to tell me but before my mind could come up with much, "I'm pregnant." She blurted out, as she broke down hysterically.

As much as I wanted to cuddle her and tell her everything was going to be all right, I couldn't. I sat there frozen in shock.

Lisa always slept around, hell; she's famously known for her one nightstands. "How did this happen?" I asked myself, only I didn't just ask myself, as I had asked it aloud instead of mentally. I slapped a hand over my mouth before I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to come out." I apologized.

"It's ok; I've been asking myself the same question for the last few days." We both just sat there hugging as I left Lisa cry her little heart out. I knew what we were both thinking and as much as I was against abortion, I had to ask her what she was going to do.

"Lisa." I called. "Before you ask, the answer is no! I couldn't do that Alicia especially while I've been in love with Thomas for what seems like forever." I thought I was shocked when she told me she was pregnant but damn that was nothing compared to how shocked I was feeling right now. Lisa in love, she hates love or anything to do with it, well except from making love that is, so she has always told me.

"Go on you can laugh, even tell me I told you one day love will slap you in the face." I couldn't help but laugh at the way she was pouting at me. "Come on I know exactly what we both need." I said, as I helped her up and started pulling her along to the best ice-cream parlour ever.

Although Lisa's news had shocked the living daylights out of me, today had been a great day. Lisa and I had talked about everything and anything; she had even told me that she was going to see Thomas tonight. She had asked me to go along with her but I really didn't think it was a good Idea, for me to string along. Nevertheless, after she threatened to not meet up with him, I knew I had no choice but to go along with her. She needed to tell Thomas that she was pregnant with his child and not through a text message, as she had wanted to do.

The main reason I didn't want to go along, was for my own selfish reasons. If Timmy was with him, I don't know what I was going to do, let alone what I was going to say. I know that knowing someone for a few hours meant nothing but with Timmy, it did.

'Shut up Alicia your friend is here pregnant and your moaning about a man you hardly even know' I scolded myself.

Leaving out a heavy sigh, I decided to take a shower maybe that would help to ease my mind a little. Lisa was always there for me, especially when my parents and siblings died in a car crash. She was even there for me when my ex left me high and dry at the altar. No matter how big or small of the matter, Lisa was always the one there for me every time, helping me pick up the pieces. Now it was time for me to repay her for all those times and help her work everything out. I had already reassured her that if for any reason Thomas ups and runs from this that I would be there for her.

Just as I finished getting ready I heard Lisa let her self in. "Hey girl how you feeling?" I asked as I have been non-stop worrying about her since I let her earlier and I knew if it was me in her shoes right now, I would be a right wreck. "I'm ok." She replied, but as much as she tried to cover up her nervous state, I could hear it clear in her voice. However, I let it slide because I didn't want to make her any more nervous than she already was. Walking into the living room where I knew Lisa would be I was shocked to see her looking so good with all things considering. She looked as if she had a glow to her. I gave her a quick hug and smile before I quickly pulled her out of my apartment, as I didn't want to give her any chance of backing out.

We were now both just standing on the sidewalk staring at the heavy glass doors of the Plaza Hotel. We both had our own reasons to be nervous however, Lisa still didn't know how I felt about Timmy and as much as I needed to talk to her about it now was not the time as she had enough on her plate without me adding to it.

Swallowing down my nervousness, I straightened myself up as I really needed to be the stronger one of us two right now and there was no way that I was going to let my best friend down. "Come on, the sooner we do this the sooner you will know where you stand." I stated truthfully. Taking her hand in mine, I gave it a quick squeeze. "You can do this Lisa and I'm here for you know matter what." I said while giving her a reassuring smile. "Ok let's do this." She replied as she took in a deep breath as she let me lead her through the open doors.

Too Hot To Resist  (#Sytycw) completedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ