Chapter twenty-eight

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Too Hot To Resist

ChickLit #3 / General Fiction #14

Thank you all so much!!!!


Chapter twenty-eight


Getting myself ready to meet Alicia, I didn't know what to wear. I had never felt this nervous over meeting a girl, EVER, but Alicia wasn't just any girl, she was the one! Alicia had managed to make me feel things that no other woman has and in a matter of one night.

I have had been with a lot of girls, not that I'm proud of that now but now I am a one girls man and that is Alicia's. Alicia is all I can think of, every second of the day and night and today was my last chance of making her mine.

After a lot of thought, I decided to wear something casual, my dark skinny jeans and a navy shirt which I rolled up to my elbows. Usually it would take me a few minutes to get dressed but so far it had taken me well over two hours just on deciding on what to wear.

Leaving out heavy sigh I took one more look in the mirror. To say I was a nervous wreck would be an understatement. Just the thought of telling Alicia everything had my stomach turning as if I was going to throw up at any second.

Thinking back to what she had heard yesterday, broke my heart. Just remembering the way she looked between Sarah and I devastated me. I did notice though how she had avoided my dad, and I don't say I'd blame her with the way my dad had spoken to her so harshly. For the first time in my entire life I can actually say I wanted to slap my dad. I loved him, well I still love him but if I had to choose between him and Alicia then I would have to go with my heart and pick Alicia. However, after Alicia ran out of the restaurant yesterday I could see the guilt clear on my dad's face which I have never seen before. My dad is a brutal business man and nothing or no-one ever seemed to bother him however, Alicia had managed to even break his concrete wall down. I smiled at how she had pulled my dad and I inn.

The funny thing was that fate really seemed to be drawing us together. As I had picked that restaurant thinking it would be far enough away so Alicia wouldn't have to see me with Sarah.

My dad had called me ordering me to meet him and I knew right away Sarah was involved by the way he ordered and not asked. Something felt wrong to me and I had an idea that Sarah and dad were in this together. I have a few of our top men looking into Sarah's background as well as seeing how long my dad had known her. As much as I didn't want to believe my dad was behind all this, I had a bad feeling he was. The men are yet to get back to me but promised they would have something for me by the end of the day.

Walking into the restaurant that lovely old dear we had met yesterday was there to greet me. For some strange reason she looked almost excited. "Follow me dear." She said politely as she escorted me to a booth that was far away from all the other booths. There wasn't much of scenery to look at but I didn't say anything. She was the dearest little lady I had met in years. She had that motherly aura to her that would make you love and respect her instantly. I guess that's why she had such an effect on my dad and me because no one has ever spoken with such care for us in a long long time.

I sat there nervously thinking what and how I was going to tell Alicia. I knew I had to come clean and tell her everything but I was scared. Scared that after she heard me out she would leave me. The hardest thing was knowing that Alicia and my future depended on what I tell her today. I just hope that she will believe me. Just the thought of her leaving me had me feeling hollow.

I knew that everything is going to come down to whether I was willing to give up on what I had spent my life working on but if it did come down to choosing between the business and Alicia... oh I don't know, I thought frustrated.

From the day I started high school, I have done nothing but work my butt off to achieve what I have finally managed to achieve and believe me it wasn't easy. I had given up everything for my dad's company and I mean everything.

Then on the other had I really loved Alicia too and I know in my heart I wouldn't be able to live without her, especially after yesterday. The way she felt in my arms gave me such an amazing feeling that when she upped and left, I was left feeling cold empty and worse of all, alone. I haven't felt so loved and complete since my mother was alive.

Ever since my mother died I have felt empty and alone. My dad was still the same loving dad he always was but I could tell the death of my mother, his wife had broken him as much as it did me. He worked harder just like I and between us I think that was our way of coping. I swore the day my mother died that I will never love a woman again as long as I live. No one ever told me that with love you never had a choice. Love is more powerful than anything in this world, even more powerful than money.

Just thinking of that made me think of Alicia, I knew she was doing the same, burying herself in her work, as Thomas had told me everything he knew about her. He managed to find out a lot from Lisa but the more he asked the more Lisa started questioning him, so he had to stop.

Thinking of Thomas had flashbacks of the night I drove to Thomas's come flooding back.


I just arrived at Thomas's when I saw he was running out. "Follow me Alicia is in trouble." My heart began pounding against my chest as horrible thoughts of what could be happening to her went into a frenzy overdrive. I didn't want to waste time in asking Thomas so I jumped back in my car and began speeding off after him.

If anyone has laid one hand on my baby, I will kill them, I thought to myself as every worse scenario went whirling around my head. My knuckles where turning white as I gripped the steering wheel tighter. Seeing Thomas was turning into the underground car park of her office building I jumped out of my car without even bothering to park it. Running through the building a security guard stopped me refusing to let me in, I was about to hit him but stopped as Thomas came up from behind me greeting the security guard. "She's in her office if you need any help, just call me." And with that Thomas was running towards the elevators. I couldn't wait another second so I ran towards the fire exit and began taking the stairs as fast as my legs would take me.

My heart was crushing at not knowing what state I was going to find her in. on reaching her floor I pulled open the door opened and ran towards her office. What I saw before me had my heart breaking as I knew with my whole heart that I was the cause of this. The way she was sprawled out on the floor with the bin in her hands made me feel like the worst person ever.

"Oh my god Alicia" I heard Thomas say as he went running to her side. I hadn't realised that I was still standing by the door until I saw Thomas running past me. I ran over to her and pushed Thomas away from her. I didn't want anyone near her let alone touch her. I was hers and I was going to protect her.

End of Flashback


I'm still writing lol so hopefully i wont have you all waiting too long :)

I dont know how you feel but i really feel for Timmy at the minute.

please share comment and vote

Mel xx

Too Hot To Resist  (#Sytycw) completedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora