Chapter nine

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Chapter 9

I sat there just staring at Timmy; thankfully, he was too engrossed in conversation with Thomas’s parents to notice me checking him out. As I took in his body, I noticed that he was even sexier than I had remembered, not that, that was possible but you know what I mean.

He had a tight fitted baby blue shirt on that showed off his body perfectly and if that wasn’t killing me enough as I moved my eyes downwards, the tight fitted jeans he was wearing; I could almost feel myself drooling. The way they hugged his lower half had me wanting to wrap my legs around his waist.

 I raked my eyes upwards; and began chocking on my own saliva as I noticed he was staring right back at me with a big smirk on his face. Lisa was making her way over to me to pat my back. However, Timmy had beaten her to it. He began patting my back so softly that just that simple touch melted my insides.  

Once I got over my embarrassing coughing fit, he began rubbing soothing circles on my lower back. I gasped as with every circular motion he made, sent a mass explosion of tingles throughout my body. As much as I didn’t want him to stop, I had to stop him before I would do something that was only fit for the bedroom and not a room with my best friends parents let alone my best friend and her soon to be husband.

Moving over to put a little space between us Timmy held onto my dress from behind so that I couldn’t move. I wanted to yell at him to leave me alone but with everyone’s eyes solely on us I just sat there, while mentally cursing myself for seating next to him in the first place.  Timmy unclamped his hand from my dress and just as I sighed in relief, I felt his hand wrap tighter around my back as his hand fell lower onto my hip. He curled his hand into my hip making it impossible for me to move.  Everything in the room faded as all I could hear was the rapid beat of my heart. With his body so close to mine I could feel the heat of his body flow through mine making my stomach flutter with excitement. Even though I knew I had to get away from him, my body wasn’t budging an inch as it craved for more of him.

As much as my brain was screaming for me to move, I just couldn’t. It was as if he had this hold on me and to be honest as much as I loved it, it was scaring the life out of me.


Just as the night was ending, I managed to break away from Timmy as I made my way towards the hallway. Seeing Thomas leaning against the kitchen door I quickly asked him if he would call me a taxi but stupid, me again forgot to think before opening my big mouth.

“Timmy, will you drop Alicia off on your way home?” I could feel my eyes become the size of saucers as I began to near on hyperventilate. “Oh no there’s no need, I’m fine seriously I always take taxi’s,” I blurted out in hope that Timmy would just let it go, but then again this was Timmy the player we were talking about.

“Yes of course I will I was going to offer Alicia a ride home any way.” He said as he placed his hand back on my lower back. I tried desperately to get Lisa’s attention so she could help me out but the big smile that had suddenly appeared on her face I knew I wasn’t going to get any help from her.

 Leaving out a defeated sigh, I knew I had no other option but to accept Timmy’s offer. “Thank you” I managed to say in just above a low whisper. My entire insides felt as if they were spinning with a mixture of nerves and excitement but the nerves were really over ruling my excitement right now.  ‘What is this man doing to me? I asked myself trembling.

I stood there awkwardly for a few moments just thinking how I was going to keep my raging hormones under control. Timmy was just too hot to resist and I mean not just for me but also for every woman on this planet.

As I looked up, I was mortified to see Timmy standing there holding the front door opened waiting for me. Thomas and Lisa just stood there looking very amused by my zoning out. I wanted to make a runner but I was frozen. “Well I knew you had an effect on woman bro but this is just hilarious.” Thomas said as he slapped Timmy’s back laughing.

My cheeks burned in what I knew were a dark crimson red at Thomas’s remark. However, I was shocked to see that Timmy wasn’t laughing; he just stood their staring at me looking concerned.  Lisa nudged me making me squeal as I near enough jumped out of my skin. My heart was pounding with her frightening me like that, “What I only nudged you.” She stated innocently while holding her hands up. “I’m sorry I just wasn’t expecting you to do that.” I said hoping she wouldn’t be able to read my anxious hormonal mind right now.

“Pull yourself together and don’t forget our lunch meeting tomorrow.” Lisa whispered so only I could hear her, while pushing me towards the front door.

 Just as I reached, the door that Timmy was still holding opened for me, he placed his hand on my lower back as he escorted me out to his car. Just feeling his hand on me had me feeling all flustered for what felt like the millionth time tonight. I had to will myself not to spin around and crash my lips against his. ‘No Alicia he’s a player, do you hear me a PLAYER!’ I mentally warned myself.

Breaking me from my mental breakdown, Timmy held opened the passenger door for me as he helped me into his car. Before I could stop him, he was leaning over me clicking in my seat belt. My heart felt as if it was going to leap right out of my chest, breathing heavily he rubbed his body up against mine. I thought I was going to have a heart attack there and then. Just as I thought, I was in the clear he slid his body slowly and heavily back against mine as he stepped back out of the car.

 Once I felt his body leaving mine, I left out a big breath that I hadn’t realised that I was holding. Then from out of nowhere, I felt his lips gently place a kiss on my forehead. I felt as if I was going to faint as his kiss left an intense tingling sensation in the absence of his lips. I ran the tips of my fingers slowly over where his lips had just been, as I stared dazed out of the passenger window.



Bless Alicia she really is love stricken by Timmy isnt she

Will she be strong enough to fight off his players charms?

Too Hot To Resist  (#Sytycw) completedWhere stories live. Discover now