Chapter thirty

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Chapter thirty

I didn’t know what to think. I knew Timmy was in some way famous and yes I thought he had some money but by god I never in a million years thought he was an heir. Damn even a CEO of a company. Hell I thought he was a model. My face must have shown my shock because Timmy began laughing. “You didn’t have a clue did you?” moving my head from side to side made him laugh more but I couldn’t trust my voice right now. I was gobsmacked as well too shocked to say or do anything.

“Anyway back to what I wanted to talk to you about. Sarah knew of my status and my in heritance and I guess she is just after my money. Do you know she didn’t even come and tell me that she was pregnant and went straight behind my back to my dad.  She knew how my dad was when it came to having a baby out of wedlock. He’s very religious and I guess by my sleeping around and what not, he chose to believe her. DO you know what makes me angry though? He hasn’t even asked me if I knew Sarah, let alone slept with her.” his face was red with anger and I have to say I didn’t blame him.

“Look Alicia I’m not going to lie to you but I have no way out of this marriage as much as I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, I have to marry Sarah. If I don’t marry her my dad is cutting me off from not only all the hotels but also my CEO status. I’ve spent the last ten years working my butt of to get where I am today. You know what the worst thing is? He said he will give everything to Sarah for a child that isn’t even bloody mine.” I didn’t want to hear anymore. Out of everything he had just told me, all that managed to stick in my head and heart was that he was going to marry Sarah no matter what. I stood up to leave but he pulled me back down and into his arms and held me tightly.

 “Alicia please believe me when I say I don’t want to marry her, I swear I don’t. I want to be with you, it’s you I love but I can’t let all my mother’s money and possessions go to some stranger. Everything my father possesses was my mothers, my dead mothers. Alicia please that is all I have left of her. If I lose that, I lose my mother for good. I can’t Alicia, I can’t lose her, please believe me.”  Timmy was hysterical as he held onto me. My heart felt as if it was shattering for him. I knew how he felt because I would’ve done the same if I was in his position. This wasn’t about money of even his name; Timmy was doing all of this for his dead mother. The mother I can tell he loved unconditionally. I tried to comfort him but I wasn’t much help as I was crying hysterically along with him.

After we calmed down a little I spoke out my thoughts. “Timmy what about taking a DNA test?” I asked. Timmy laughed but it was such a sick and twisted laugh I jolted back. “Alicia I’ve tried believe me, I’ve tried.” He sighed. He looked so defeated that my heart was hurting for him. “I’ve asked, even begged both Sarah and my dad but every time they both just shout and if not shout at me than they ignore me.” He was breathing heavy. He took my hands in his and kissed both of them.

“Alicia I’ve hired some people to look into this for me. I think Sarah and my dad are in this together. Something just doesn’t feel right about all this. Oh Alicia I’m so mixed up, I really don’t know what to do. However the only thing I do know for sure is that I love you. You are the one who owns my heart, all of it. Since the night I met you I knew you were special.” The way he stared at me with tears running down his face, I didn’t know what to say let alone what to do. I wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be ok, but how could I, when I didn’t know how this was going to work out.

If I didn’t love Timmy, I would have got up and told him to forget it but I do loved Timmy and now hearing his side, for some reason it made me want to protect him.

“Alicia,” he called snapping me out of my thoughts. “Yeah,” I mumbled. “Alicia I need to ask you something, however, what I am about to ask you might also make you mad but I have to ask because it’s killing me.” I nodded my head for him to go on. “Will you wait for me?” he left the question hanging and I knew I wanted to tell him yes but could I wait? Damn who am I trying to kid. Of course I will wait for him but I needed some answers first.

“Timmy that night I spent at your place did we do anything?” I asked him and I could feel my cheeks reddening but I needed to know. “No, I would never do anything like that to you Alicia; you mean much more to me than that. To be honest I’m sad to even think that you thought so low of me. Then again I can’t really say that I’d blame you after the way I have treated you.” He stopped there and then smiled.  “I have to say though it took every ounce of me, not to take you that night. Especially with the way you kept throwing yourself at me begging and pleading for me to sleep with you.” “OK I get it you can stop now.” I cut him off, feeling totally mortified by my drunken actions.

He began laughing as he pulled me into chest. Burying my head in embarrassment I whispered into his chest “I’m sorry”


Hmmm so there is another fiesty side to Alicia  lol

How many of you thought at first that Timmy was marrying Sarah for the money?

Well i guess I'm hating Sarah right now how could she do that to Timmy :(

The next chapter will take me a couple of days to write as its a long weekend here in Ireland and i need to spend some quality time with my family xxxxxx

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