Chapter nineteen

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Chapter nineteen

Leeann buzzed me letting me know that Mr Thorne and Ms Hayes were here. After telling, her to show them in, there was a knock at my door. “Come in” I called Leanne opened my door and showed in a young girl that I recognized from somewhere but I just couldn’t place where. Well that was until I spotted the man that was still at the door flirting with Leeann.  What I felt last night on my way home was nothing to what I was feeling now. My already hurting heart was literally shattering into a million pieces.

Timmy looked up and as soon as our eyes met, his face paled. Leeann gave me a look to see was I all right but I was far from being anyway near all right. In fact, I was ready to break down and cry.  Then I got an urge to punch him for leading me on when he was already engaged to be married, I wanted to slap myself for falling for him in the first place.

 The room suddenly became tense and I was just about to ask Leeann to take over when a loud screeching voice snapped me out of my mental break down. “Hello I’m Sarah and this here is Timmy my fiancé.” She said giggling as she pulled Timmy over towards me.  

Timmy held his hand out as if we were complete strangers making me wanting to rip his head off. Taking in a deep breath, I put my business front on and acted as if I had never seen him before in my life. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Thorne and you too Ms Hayes please take a seat.” I then looked over to Leeann. “Leeann will you sit in and take notes please?” I asked because even though on the outside I might look and sound great I was a complete mess inside. How I was holding my tears back, I would never know.

 “Of course Alicia.” She replied taking a seat beside me. I handed her my Ipad so I could get to work, so I could get this meeting over with as quickly as possible.

Sitting here arranging Timmy’s wedding felt worse then being left standing at the alter and to make matters worse, Timmy kept his eyes on me the entire time. How I was holding it together, I had no idea. Timmy’s soon to be wife was one of those typical all looks and no personality kind of girl. I had to admit though she was stunning even if everything about her screamed plastic, even down to her bottled bleached blonde hair. I bet she even had to use a trowel to put her make-up on. I wanted to laugh at that thought.

 I stared over at Timmy every time she asked him for some input. How I held back the laughter I don’t know because it was as if he kept spacing out as he continued to stare at me. Luckily, for me, I’ve had two years experience of keeping my business face on and right now, it was working wonders for me. Timmy kept stuttering as he tried to help his soon to be bride make decisions but even through his stutters, he still didn’t make any sense or even helped her in that matter. I wondered what was going through his mind the entire time especially the way he was staring at me. The little looks I got of his face told me that he was shocked to see me. There were so many emotions flicking through his eyes that if it weren’t for me wanting to kill him right now, I would’ve tried to study his eyes to try to read him.

 By the time we had sorted everything out that I needed too, well for now that is, we said our goodbyes and by this point, I was more than ready, to go and down a bottle of vodka. I knew Leeann could feel the tension between Timmy and me but thankfully, she left with them and never questioned me on what the hell just happened. The funny thing was Sarah was so dense that she hadn’t even realised everything that was going on right in front of her face.

 Sitting in my now empty office I finally left the tears, I had desperately been holding back overflow.  Walking over to the makeshift bar I had in my office, I pulled out a bottle of Vodka that I had stored away for emergencies such as now. I wasn’t one to drink often but right now, I deserved it, especially after what I had just had to sit through.

I couldn’t believe that Timmy had played me along so easily. You’d think after been jolted at the alter I would have had a stronger barrier built up but I did. Well at least I thought I had but Timmy had that wall crumbling that very first night we had met.

 I wanted to slap myself so hard for being so weak and naïve. A loud knock on my door had me snapping out of my self-pity. “Come in” I called and soon as the words left my lips in walked Leeann. ‘Oh please god, don’t let her start asking me questions.’ I silently pleaded to god above.

 “I just wanted to let you know that I was leaving.” She said whilst staring at the vodka bottle that I still had in my hand. Looking down I realised that I hadn’t even gotten a glass and had been drinking it straight out of the bottle.

“Hmm Alicia are you ok?” she asked nervously but I could see the concern in her eyes. “I’m fine Leeann thanks. It’s just been a really long day.” I replied, giving me a nod. She said one last goodbye before she hesitantly left. Leaving out a breath I didn’t even realise I was holding in I took a long stiff swig out of the bottle.

Once I had downed the entire bottle of vodka, I stumbled back over to the bar and pulled out another bottle. Although it burned my throat, I still drank it wanting to numb and forget everything that had happened today. My vision blurred, as I laughed at myself. Here I was drunk out of my head alone in my office, singing along to my ipod.  My legs gave way and the room began to spin as I closed my eyes. Feeling the drink wanting to come back up I crawled my way over to my waste paper bin where I started throwing up my entire stomach contents. Feeling exhaustion taking over me, I slipped drunkenly into the darkness.  


Did any of you see that coming??

Hmmm what do you think will happen now??

Oh and I have a nice surprise for you next chapter ;) lol

Too Hot To Resist  (#Sytycw) completedWhere stories live. Discover now