Chapter seven

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It has been just over a month since I've last seen Timmy and finally, it was starting to sink in that Timmy and I were never meant to be. Lisa was meeting me for lunch today as she said she had something big to tell me. I had an idea that she was going to tell me that she was going to move in with Thomas because in all honesty she might as well be, as she has been staying at his place every night since she had told him, she was pregnant. I have to say though; I have never seen Lisa as happy as she is right now.

I knew she had to give up work soon because, in her line of work there's not a lot of agency's that require pregnant lingerie models. Still, I was pleased to know that it didn't affect her as much as I thought it would. Thank god, she no longer seemed to care as much about her career as she was too excited waiting for her baby to come.

Thomas made me laugh at how he had gone from what I was told, a complete player to an overprotective one women man. I guess that gave me a little slither of hope. Not that I was holding onto that tiny slither of hope though. As I really didn't want to experience any more heartache in my life.

Walking into the little café, at the far end of town, I was so happy to see Lisa sitting there with a big smile on her face. You know when people say pregnant women glow, well believe me, Lisa was glowing, ha. "Alicia." She waved me over. As I neared the table she had, wedding magazines, laid out all over the table. I started jumping up and down, "Are you? Please tell me you're, please. Oh my gosh I am going to give you the best wedding of the of the year, no scrap that the century!" I rambled on in pure excitement.

"Oh Alicia, he proposed to me last night and look" she squealed as she held her hand out showing off the large diamond engagement ring. The ring was truly Lisa, as for me though I would've rather a smaller more daintier ring but hey that's Lisa for you, the bigger the better is her motto and not just in accessories either if you get what I mean, ha..

"Lisa I am so happy for you both," I told her truthfully. If anyone deserved this much happiness, it was definitely Lisa. "Well as you already know you will be the wedding planner but I also have something to ask you." She said smiling. "Will you be my maid of honour?" I screamed while clapping my hands excitedly, then like a slap in the face of reality, it hit me, 'Timmy'.

Surely, Thomas was going to have him as his best man, after all Timmy was his best friend. "And guess who will be walking you down the Isle" Lisa squealed excitedly while wiggling her eyebrows. Gosh, I really don't want to know Lisa, please don't say what I know you're going to say.

"Hey don't look so worried. Girl you are going to be walking down the Isle hand in hand with Timmy himself." Whilst she made it sound as if it was the best thing ever, I was mentally screaming 'NO'. I took in a deep calming breath seeing how excited and happy she was, I quickly managed to plaster a fake smile on my face, as I really didn't want to ruin this moment for her.

"That's great" I managed to get out excitedly, even too my own ears, I thought I had done an amazing job of covering up my inner anxious state. I really wanted to kick myself for not just coming clean and telling her how I feel about Timmy but as much as I wanted too, I just couldn't bring myself to tell her. Well I guess it was more of the case that I didn't want to admit it out loud not even to myself.

The rest of our morning was spent discussing her wedding, all talk of Timmy was dismissed, thank god, and that's how I was hoping it would stay because I really didn't want to go back down that road. I had spent, the last four weeks trying everything not to think of his sexy body, well just thinking about him at all.

I was finally getting to the stage where I could go an entire day without thinking about him. However, I knew now that, that was going to change very soon. Sighing internally, I said a silent prayer to god, to help me get through this wedding in one piece. I also made a promise to myself that no matter how I feel I was going to give my best friend the wedding of her life.

As we went our separate ways, I headed straight down, downtown back to my office. I had a couple of important meetings scheduled for later on this afternoon.

I tried to work on the finale details, for the Mc Cans wedding, which was happening this weekend but my mind kept straying back to Timmy. I quickly called my receptionist Leanne in to help me because it was know use me doing it alone as I wasn't getting anywhere on my own.

I hope that Leeann will be able to keep my mind on work and off of Timmy, I thought mentally. My phone bleeped alerting me of a text message.

From: XxLisaxX

Dinner at Thomas's at seven sharp! Don't be late. Oh, and dress formal as his parents will be joining us. I'll forward you on the address.

Loves you xx

As much as I didn't want to go, I knew I had to because if it was the other way round, Lisa would've done it for me, I thought to myself.

From: Aliciaxx

I'll be there ;)

Loves you too xx

After replying her, I quickly shoved my phone back into my draw. "Leanne can you help me get this done please, as I have only ten more minutes before the soon to be Mc Cans arrive." Yes sure." She replied happily. Well at least one of us is egger I thought to myself.

As soon as I pencilled in the finale details the Mc Cans arrived. 'Perfect timing, I smiled feeling relieved.

The meeting was short, thank god and everything went perfectly as usual. I was a bit of a perfectionist and always gave each and every wedding I planned, one hundred per cent. Their wedding wasn't as big as the ones I'd usually take on but I really took a liking to them from the second I met them and although they didn't have a big budget for me to go by, I still managed to give them the wedding they had dreamed of.

I knew I wasn't going to make much out of this wedding financially but just seeing how in love and perfect they were for each other; I couldn't refuse to give them the special day that their love deserved. 'I really wished that I could find the love that they shared', I thought to myself dreamily.

Once I had finished everything at the office, I quickly made my home to get ready to go to Lisa's. I hadn't realized how late it was so I had the quickest shower ever before I grabbed the nearest dress to me. It was a simple little black dress that but with a few accessories, I knew I could make it into something special. With the curling iron heating up, I quickly applied my make-up; taking a quick glimpse at the time on my phone I nearly had a heart attack. I only had ten minutes to get there and I hadn't even done my hair yet, and let me tell you, Lisa hated anyone being late.

'Oh just great', I mumbled aloud, as I knew I had no time what's so ever to curl my hair now. Therefore, I ended up just throwing my hair up into a messy bun, while I curled the few loose stray hairs that I had purposely left out.

Without even looking at myself, I was grabbing my purse and running out of my apartment at the speed of light. I had arrived a little late but luckily, for me Lisa was too engrossed in conversation with her future in-laws to notice me. "Hey Alicia I'm so happy you could make it." Thomas greeted me before leading me into where everyone else was already seated.

As soon as we stepped into what looked like the family room, my heart began to speed up like crazy, as my eyes locked with none other than Timmy's. Why hadn't I thought that he would've been here after all if I'm here, it only makes sense that Thomas's best friend would be here too. I mentally cursed myself for not preparing myself for this. Even though I knew that it probably wouldn't have made any difference either way, I was still mad at myself. My hands were trembling with nerves. 'I can do this' I kept repeating to myself. I wish I could've just sneaked out and made a runner for it. However, with everybody's eyes solely on me, I didn't stand a chance.


Bless Angelica, what a position she is in!

How do you think the meal is going to go?

Will Timmy make a pass at her or will he just ignore her?

Thanks for all the comments and votes, you really made my day :) Mel xx

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