Chapter thirty-two

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Chapter thirty-two

Timmy and I got out of his car and walked the short distance to the two men. Timmy greeted the two men like old time friends. After all introductions were made one of the men who I know was Ricky began to get down to business. “Timmy I’ve just got to warn you you’re not going to like what I have to say one little bit.” Timmy looked at me anxiously, I took hold of his hand and squeezed it letting him know he wasn’t alone and I was here for him. Ricky then turned to face me. “You either Alicia.” Me? why won’t I want to hear it? Yes I know this is all crazy and what not but in truth it has nothing to do with me personally.

“Timmy, Alicia there is no easy way for me to say this so I’m just going to give it to you both straight. Timmy you were right but not on all accounts. This is to do with Alicia too.” He then looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t quite make out. “Me, what have I got to do with all this? This is all to do with Sarah, Timmy and his dad, not me.” I questioned well stated, I was mad that Ricky had brought me into this craziness.

“Alicia your dad and Timmy’s dad are rivals. Unfortunately for you two Sarah is the only thing they have both got in common. Call it their neutral grounds it you like.” My dad? Just hearing those words had my blood running cold. I haven’t seen or even heard from my dad since he left my mum and I and that was years ago. Hell I don’t even know who he is so how do they? As if they knew what was going through my head Ricky spoke up.

“Alicia your dad has heard about you and Timmy, as has Stan Timmy’s dad. To say they are both unhappy with this is an understatement. Alicia do you know who your real dad is?” he asked as if it was normal for a child not to know who their biological dad is.

“NO” I answered truthfully because in all honesty I don’t know him. I can’t even remember what he looks like. All I knew was that I called him dad and never had a reason to ask about him because in my eyes the day he left us he was no longer my dad. Timmy pulled me into his arms and hugged me hard. “Shush baby girl it’s going to be ok.” It wasn’t until I felt Timmy’s shirt getting wet that I realised I was crying. 

“Ricky just give it to us straight.” Timmy said sounding as frustrated and confused as I was.

“Timmy Alicia’s dad is Mr Conroy and Sarah is his step daughter.” Timmy’s body stiffened but he still kept a hold of me as my body went numb. If it wasn’t for Timmy holding me up I would’ve crumbled to the floor.  This was all way too much for me to handle.

My dad has now decided to come back into my life but not to meet with me or get to know me but to split Timmy and me up. On top of that he wanted his step daughter to marry Timmy. To say I was hurt and mad would’ve been an understatement because I was raging.

 As all this new information started to sink in, the angrier I felt. Timmy stood there with a shocked expression on his face. His mouth kept opening and closing but nothing was coming out.

“Ricky how the hell did my so called dad knows where I was let alone know who I was?” I asked my anger clear in my voice. “Well from what I can tell this all comes down to Sarah and her gold digger ways. Sarah’s mum is married to your dad.” He stopped there as Timmy left out a heart wrenching scream.

After a few moments Timmy spoke up only this time he sounded so calm it sent cold shivers down my spine. “Ricky, so let me get this straight, Sarah is Mr Conroy’s step daughter and Alicia’s dad?” he asked whilst Ricky just nodded.  “Does my dad know?” he asked and Ricky just shrugged his shoulders.

 “So what you’re telling me is that this seems to be some sort of business deal between mine and Alicia’s dad for me to marry Sarah.” This time I heard Ricky taking in a deep breath. “Timmy, this is what we think yes but we are not too sure whether your dad realises what is going on.” the other man moved back as Ricky answered Timmy. It was as if he was waiting for Timmy or I too blow up but I was too shocked and numb to move let alone speak right now. However, Timmy on the other hand was ready to blow. 

“Is she even pregnant?” Timmy shouted making me take a step away from him. “Yes but from what I have managed to find out, it is someone else’s. However, everything I have found out, I have no proof of. I need more time Timmy as I think your dad has already signed a contract upon Sarah’s marriage to you. Timmy Sarah hasn’t got Mr Conroy’s surname.” With that said Timmy lost it, and I mean totally lost it, he was beating the crap out his car.

Ricky held onto me as we watched in horror as Timmy repeatedly kicked and punched his car. I wanted to go over and try to calm him down but Ricky held onto me saying that I needed to give Timmy some time to calm down.

Timmy’s hands were covered in blood, his own blood at that. It wasn’t until he started tiring that the other man approached Timmy and held him down. They were both talking but I couldn’t hear what they were saying as Ricky had somehow moved us closer to his car.

My heart was pounding as tears poured down my face. I couldn’t believe everything I had just heard. It was as if I was in a dream; scrap that, more like a bloody nightmare.


OMG poor Alicia :(

looks like Alicia is involved in all this whether she likes it or not. Do you think Stan (timmy's dad) is involved or do you think he will be the one to help them?? then again who is the father to Sarah's baby?

Still so many questions but my heart is really going out to Timmy and Alicia right now :(

Thank you all so much for your outstanding support!!!  Seriously it makes my day to see so many of you enjoying. all my love Mel xx

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