Chapter thirty-seven

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Sorry I didn't upload last night but i just couldn't get to finish it in time :( 

Chapter thirty-seven

After Timmy dropped me back to my office I decided it was time for me to hunt my so called dad down. However, I had one problem; I didn’t know where I would find him let alone get in his building to talk to him. Wracking my brain I could only think of one person that could help me but that meant telling her everything and I mean everything. Knowing I had no other choice I picked up my phone and speed dialed Lisa.

My heart speeds up at hearing the ring tone. To say I was nervous was an understatement as I haven’t really spoken to Lisa. As the phone continued to ring I began to worry. Was she avoiding me? Not that I would blame her, but if she was avoiding me that will ruin my only chance of stopping this stupid wedding!

Just as I was about to give up Lisa answered. “What do you want stranger?” she asked sounding as annoyed as I expected.

 “Lisa before you start to scream and shout at me, I’m sorry. Look Lisa I really need your help and as much as I know you probably hate me right now, please don’t. I promise I will explain everything to you. Can you meet up with me at my office please?” I knew Lisa and as much as I didn’t deserve her help, I knew in my heart she would help me but that still didn’t stop me from panicking as she made me wait for her to reply.

“I’ll meet you but I’m telling you now Alicia, I want to know everything and I mean everything. I know you have been hiding something from me, damn even Thomas has! and as stupid as you both think I am, I will tell you now it’s you two that are bloody stupid, because I know more than you think!” she stopped for a second which I guess was to catch her breath.

“I’ll meet you there in ten minutes.” And with that Lisa hung up. Leaving out a breath I didn’t know I was holding I felt relieved. However, I still had to tell her everything yet and I knew that wasn’t going to go down too well with Lisa. Hell that girl is going to be out for blood and thankfully not mine!

‘Sarah I would watch out girly, a human tornado is on its way to you’ I mumbled to myself laughing.

Ten minutes right on the dot, Lisa came barging into my office with a panicked looking Leanne right on her heels. I couldn’t help but laugh at Leanne’s scared looking face. She knew Lisa and by the fear on her face I knew she wasn’t scared about what I was going to say, for leaving someone barge into my office but what Lisa was going to say to her for following her. Laughing, I had to give it to Leanne for being brave.

“Leanne its fine you can carry on. Oh and Leanne can you clear my diary for the rest of the day and no calls please.” Leanne just nodded and literally ran out of the room making me laugh once again.

That poor girl, Lisa really frightens her, I thought to myself laughing. “Ok enough with the laughing and start talking.”  Lisa’s stern tone alone had me shutting up instantly. She really was like a mother to me, even though, I loved her she sure could be scary.

After telling Lisa everything, mad wouldn’t even start to describe what she was like. Seriously I practically feared for Sarah’s life. However, my dad was going to get it worse than Sarah because Lisa knew how hard it has been for me over the years, as she was the one that held me together through my mum’s death. Without Lisa’s friendship and support I would’ve more than likely ended up in some gutter somewhere.

 Lisa couldn’t believe that my dad was Mr Conroy and that he had been right here all this time without us even knowing it. Lisa was now on a war path and anyone that stood in her way, well god help them is all I can say.

Within minutes Lisa had come up with a plan, just like I thought she would. Also as I had gathered she also knew people in that building. Without wasting anytime she had already called and got us full access into my dad’s building. With all that sorted Lisa jumped to her feet pulling me up with her. “Right lets go and destroy!” she yelled as she punched her clenched fist into the air. Her evil laugh made me shiver however, with mixed adrenaline pumping through my body I was running right with her.

The entire car drives to the building Lisa kept speaking her thoughts out loud. My palms were sweating as she kept describing how she was going to take down and kill my dad and Sarah. Don’t get me wrong I would love for them to be dead and out of my life for good but at the same time I didn’t want my one and only best friend doing time because of me. Hell she had a baby to think about as well.

 I was literally sweating buckets. The worst part was I knew Lisa and no matter what I or anyone else says Lisa was on a murder hunt.  

Lisa went to open her door but I stopped her. I needed to calm her down before she went in there. “Lisa” I stopped and took in a deep breath as I needed to word this right if I had any chance of calming her down just enough so won’t kill anyone.

“Look when we go in I want you to do nothing, no speaking, no fighting, nothing!” she went to cut me off but I stopped her.” Lisa I love you so much, damn you’re the only family I have left. Lisa I just want to talk to him and try and get him to stop Sarah from marrying Timmy. Hell, I don’t want to end up being a witness to a murder trial. Your pregnant Lisa and as mad as you are, I understand you want him dead, I do too but not by us. Promise me now that you will just be there for me?” I almost pleaded.

 Lisa stared at me and I knew right there and then I had actually won but I daren’t show it because she could change her mind just like the wind.

 “Ok I promise but Alicia if he lays one hand on you and I mean one hand, I will have him ok?” the determined look on her face I knew I couldn’t say anything because if he did lay a hand on me I would need her to back me up. Saying that though I have so much anger locked up inside me right now that I’d probably kill him myself, I mentally thought.

 “Ok deal! Let’s go and sort this crap out.” I stated as I opened my door.


You go girls!! Go kick some butt ha ha

OMG I hope nothing bad happens

What do you think is going to happen next????

Thanks a million times over everybody for all of your comments votes and just reading!!!!!

Loves you all Mel xxx

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