Chapter fifty (part 2 of 2)

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Chapter fifty (part 2 of 2)

"Now Alicia; I think it's time that I can let you in on a little secret because you see in less than an hour, I am going to be a married woman and guess what?..... To the love of your life." I knew she was trying to rile me up and by God she was succeeding. Where the hell was Lisa? I wondered whilst internally panicking.

"Well you see Timmy isn't the father of my baby but I guess you had already worked that one out but it isn't Mr Conroy's, my step daddy's either." Ha ha she laughed as if this was all a big joke.

My tears betrayed me as they started to run down my cheeks.

"Oh don't cry Alicia, you see I wanted payback from both men. Mr Conroy thought he could use me by giving me money just so he could take Stan down and Timmy thought he could get away with using me for a one-night stand. So you see, I guess they've messed with the wrong person this time. And unfortunately for you, you just seemed to get in my way." She laughed evilly.

I couldn't breathe and my shaking legs, felt as if they were going to give way at any second.

"In less than an hour, I am not only going to be a millionaire but I am also going to have the man you love...Ha ha this is all too easy. You know what the funniest thing about all this is though, I'm not even pregnant ha ha ....gosh you are all so gullible! I even managed to fool you all into thinking you had evidence against me when it was just one of my pay offs." With every word she spat out, I felt as if she was stabbing me in the heart repeatedly. Collapsing to the floor, I sat there crying hysterically as her and her friends that I recognized from the car that night laughed. I had never felt so small and pathetic in my entire life.

I must of blacked out or something because as I opened my eyes, Lisa was standing over me looking panicked. "Oh my God Alicia, you scared the bloody life out of me. What the hell happened?" she asked but I didn't even want to go there because I knew it wouldn't change anything because it was the words of one of Timmy's lovers in everyone's eyes.

My heart shattered into what felt like a million pieces. I could no longer feel its usual warmth but a coldness that left me feeling hollow and numb. Placing my trembling hands against the wall I managed to pull myself up.

"Just help me clean myself up Lisa please, I don't want to talk about it right now" I said in a voice so cold and lack of emotions it made me shiver. IT was as if I couldn't even recognize my own voice. Without a word Lisa walked me towards the ladies room.

After I cleaned myself up, I straightened my back up and exited the ladies room. With no longer feeling anything I walked briskly with Lisa as we were shown to our seats. I could hear Lisa arguing with someone but took no notice as I just stood beside her blocking everything out. After what felt like forever Lisa and I were seated. I was so out of it I hadn't even realized where we were seated until I looked up and came eye to eye with Timmy.

Seeing his red puffy eyes brought back some of my feelings. Seeing him as broken as I felt killed me more than ever. It was as if the reality of all this hit me full on. Tears overflowed as we stared at each other in longing. The coldness in my heart faded as the warmth from his eyes melted my frozen heart. "I love you" I mouthed to him as the tears poured freely. "I love you too." Seeing the tears running down his face as he mouthed I love you to me, had me struggling to breathe through my tears. Lisa passed me a tissue and held onto me.

I could feel Lisa's body shaking as she cried to then she shocked me by letting go of me and standing up and walking off. Thomas Timmy and I all watched as Lisa walked off the side until she was no longer in our view. I couldn't believe that she had upped and left me like that but before I could follow her, the organ started playing and everyone stood as the bridesmaids made their way down the aisle followed by Sarah. Even though I was standing I couldn't look towards Sarah as my eyes were still locked with Timmy's as Timmy's were with mine.

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