Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen

After what felt like an eternity, Lisa finally stopped crying enough for me to ask her what was wrong. “MY baby doesn’t like me and it’s not even born yet.” She said so seriously that I wanted to scream at her for worrying me over nothing but at the same time laugh for her being so stupid. “Oh Lisa,” I said trying to hold my laughter in. “Your baby loves you, you’re the babies mother what has you thinking like this? I thought something had happened between you and Thomas you had me worried sick.” I told her. “I’m sorry but every morning I’m so sick and then my hormones are all over the place and I think it’s because my baby doesn’t want me to be his or her mother. I couldn’t hold it in this time as I just bust out laughing.

“Oh Lisa you silly woman, all these things are normal for every pregnant woman. Come on lets get you cleaned up and out of this house for a bit.” I said lifting her up off the sofa.

Lisa and I had spent three hours at the mall shopping and were now heading to a near by restaurant for something to eat. The pair of us was laughing our heads off as we walked into the restaurant. I had told Lisa everything about my night with Timmy but I left out the phone, call as I had only just managed to cheer her up and I really didn’t fancy her going into one of her rants right now. 

“Do you think you and Timmy are going to go out again?” she asked. “Well he did ask if he could take me out again, so I guess but I’ll just have to wait and see if he calls me or not.” I replied while mentally hoping that he would call.

I knew I had over reacted that night and if I wanted us to become something then I would have to swallow down my insecurities and just suck it up.  On that thought, our waiter came with our dinner. We chatted and laugh throughout dinner, Thomas had also called worrying where Lisa had got to and I have too say I couldn’t help smiling knowing how in love my best friend was. “Well here’s my ride home but I’ll call you tonight ok,” Lisa said as she gave me a hug. “Alicia,” “yeah” I called back. “Thank you so much for today I really needed some girl time.” she said giving me a smile. “Anytime Lisa, just promise you’ll call me whenever you feel like that.”  “I promise love you bye.” She said as she walked over to where Thomas had parked. Giving Thomas a quick wave, I made my way to my car. Sitting in my car my phone started to ring, thinking it could be Timmy I tipped my entire handbag out onto the passenger seat. Spotting it, I snatched it up and answered. With all my excitement, I hadn’t taken the time to look at the caller ID but hearing Leeann’s voice my heart plummeted. I had gotten my hopes up for nothing. I tried listening to Leeann, I really did but I was so disappointed that it wasn’t Timmy that I only managed to pick up small bits of what she was saying. Therefore I just decided to go into the office just encase it was anything urgent.

Walking into my office Leeann filled me in on all today’s happenings and the reason why she had rang me was to tell me that we had gotten a few meetings set up for tomorrow. Which, I have to say I was happy about because the wintertime is always quite. After setting, everything up, I made my way out of the office. Feeling the longing for a nice hot bubble bath, I started to drive home.

 Stopping at a stop sign a car blaring music pulled up along side me. Taking a look at overly loud car I expected to see some teenagers in some pimped up car what I didn’t expect to see was Timmy with a car full of girls. Quickly looking away my blood ran cold.  Hearing the girls giggling wound me up so much that I wanted to get out and slapped them. ’come on lights change please’ I pleaded. I didn’t want Timmy to see me I just wanted to get the hell out of here and get home. Just as I went to pull off, I looked over one more time only to see Timmy staring right back at me. My heart sped up as he stared at me with what looked like a guilty expression on his face not wanting to see anymore I put my foot down and I sped off.

Timmy’s guilty face was stuck in my head all night, even through what was meant to be my relaxing bath. Right this second I actually didn’t care if I ever saw Timmy again. Everything I had felt for him was still there but I wasn’t going to give in to my feelings any longer. I couldn’t live my life knowing that every time he left the house I would automatically think he is with another woman. As much as it hurt me to think of no more Timmy, I knew by following heart I would eventually be hurting myself a hell of a lot more.

As I was preparing the last few things for the meeting I had scheduled, I called Leeann to bring in some refreshments ready for our clients. I sat there waiting impatiently as I really needed this meeting to take my mind off of my depressing life. As much as I hated the actual wedding, I loved planning it. The clients that were coming in today just decided to get married but instead of the usual one-year notice, this couple want to get married in two months. Although I wasn’t happy at first, Leann assured me that money wasn’t an issue. Knowing that money wasn’t an issue made it a lot easier for me and my team to arrange an entire wedding in such a short time.


Because all of you readers are so amazing at commenting and voting i will try and upload again tomorrow xxxxx

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