Chapter eight

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After introductions were made Lisa and Thomas led us into the dining room, were they had a massive table set up as if the queen was coming to dinner. It was only then that I started to take Thomas's house in. I had never been here and seriously, it was like a palace, well maybe not as big as a palace but still amazing.

"I know isn't this place unreal." Lisa whispered as she made her way to the far end of the table. Seeing where she had left me sitting right next to Timmy I wanted to kill her well not maybe not literally, but still.

Swallowing down the big lump that had managed to lodge itself in my throat I was about to sit down when a hand stopped me. "Here let me do this for you." The feel of his hand against mine had my mind spinning and that was only the start. My insides were yearning to be touched by him let alone what my lips wanted. I really needed to distance myself from him but how can I do that when everyone was just starring at me whilst Timmy held the chair out for me. The way he was acting as if he was the perfect gentleman melted me but then I remembered that he was anything but a gentleman.

Taking the seat that he had held out for me, I could feel the pull towards him tug me in almost instantly. as he took the chair beside me he shifted his chair over a bit so he was closer to me. The heat off his body had my pulse going into over drive and that was only the start of what his body being so close, was doing to me. My palms were sweating as I played with my hands that lay limply on my lap. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew damn well he was staring at me, as I could feel his eyes, literally burning into my skin.

I squeezed my thighs tightly together as I desperately struggled to put out the fire that was starting to erupt between my legs. He smelled so damn good that I was nearly climaxing just by his scent. "Hey Alicia, how is the wedding coming along?" she asked. I slowly looked up to answer her but with Timmy on my left and Lisa sitting a place setting away from him I couldn't miss the look he held in his eyes. His usual bright green eyes were dark and the way he licked those gorgeous lips of his had me near on hypnotized. Oh, I so wanted to kiss, nibble and taste those luscious lips of his.

. *Cough*

I didn't have to look up to know that it was Lisa trying to gain my attention, but as I snapped my head in her direction I knew she had seen enough to give me the look of we will talk about this later look. My heart sunk knowing I was in for a hell of a night. "Hmm sorry Lisa what did you say" I asked nervously, as I had no idea at all what she had asked me. As Timmy had so cleverly blanked my mind of everything, well bar his lips, that is. I could hear Timmy's muffled laughs beside me. Turning to face him, I gave him the evils before I turned back to face Lisa.

"I was just asking how my wedding is coming along." She said giggling. I stuck my tongue out at her before replying. "I'm nearly ready to show you all the drawings. I'll have it all completed for you and Thomas to look over by Monday the latest. I have two weddings to attend too this weekend and on top of that, back at the office, somehow all of the staff have managed to book this weekend off." I knew why but I wasn't going to tell her that it was because my mind was so occupied by something else, or should I say, on someone else, I thought to myself.

"Alicia seriously girl you are going to end up killing your self with the hours you work." She told me sternly. However, I just ignored her as I did every time she tried lecturing me on over working myself.

I know I worked long hours but that was the only way I could manage to get through the day. To be honest, it was the only way that I could take my mind off and cope with my past. "I'd have to agree with Lisa." Thomas cut in from the other end of the table. "Do you ever give yourself a day off, because ever since Lisa has moved in here with me I have never seen you outside of your office." He stated but not angrily, he looked more concerned for my well-being than anything else.

"I have a lot on at the moment that's all." I replied only to have Lisa lay into me again. "Well I guess that you have had a lot on for the last two years then." She snapped angrily. I hung my head low, at knowing that she knew me better than anyone did and she knew exactly what I was like. I never replied her and I had know intensions of replying her either, as this was not the time or place to be arguing with my best friend.

The entire table was now filled by an uncomfortable silence; I could feel every pair of eyes directly on me. "Excuse me please." I quickly excused myself as I made my quick escape to look for the bathroom. "Alicia" I heard Lisa yell after me but I just kept walking, as I really couldn't listen to her anymore right now.

After I pulled myself together, I made my way back to the dinning room only to see the entire table cleared away and no one no longer sitting at the table. Looking out of the massive patio doors, I could see the outline of a figure standing there smoking. I wasn't sure who it was but right now I could have really done with the fresh air, so with out giving it any further thought, I opened the door and stepped outside before closing it behind me.

"Alicia I'm really sorry." Spinning on my heels, I was pleased to see it was just Thomas and that he was alone. "It's ok Thomas. I guess when my head gets into work; I manage to block everything else out. Lisa is right though because over the last couple of years, I have taken to working through my problems, instead of facing them head on." I told him truthfully. "Well I just want you to know I didn't mean to pry into your business. It's just that Lisa worries so much about you that it worries me too." I couldn't help but smile at how alike Thomas and Lisa really were.

"Thomas I'm so happy that you and Lisa have found each other, it's so obvious that you two were meant to be, as they say. Just promise me you will never cheat or hurt her Thomas." I near on begged. "I promise I will never hurt her and cheating on her. I would never ever do that to Lisa or any woman for that matter." he sighed. "Alicia I know I have a name of being a player but believe me, those days are well and truly over. Lisa and our baby is my life now and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love her Alicia, I love her so much." Every word he spoke held so much meaning that I couldn't stop the stray happy tear that rolled freely down my cheek. Oh, how badly I wanted to hear a man say those words about me.

"I was wondering where you two had gotten too." Lisa said as she came and stood by Thomas. "I'm sorry Alicia, I shouldn't have gone off on you like that, and it's these damn pregnancy hormones I blame." She apologized as she wrapped her arms around me. After we had a short hug the three of us made our way back inside but before I stepped into the family room Lisa took a hold of my wrist and pulled me back. "What's going on between you and Timmy?" she asked. My heart started beating hard against my chest because I really wanted to tell her everything but with Timmy just in the next room, now was not the time for me to pour my heart out. "Later I promise, I will tell you everything when we are alone." I promised.

After studying me for a few seconds, "Ok, but tomorrow you will meet me for lunch and tell me everything." As nervous as that made me feel, I agreed by nodding my head before walking back into my doom.


Poor Alicia if Timmy there wasnt enough to cope with already

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Mel xx

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