Chapter forty

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Chapter forty

After pulling myself out of my frozen state, I began to lash out at the men hoping in some way I could knock them out or at least hit them so they can no longer walk. Kicking out I managed to get one of them right between his legs. Seeing him go down groaning gave me that extra boost of adrenalin I so desperately needed. The other man bent down to grab me.

The way he had grabbed me had his arm crushed against my face. Opening my mouth I bit down as hard as I could, the man tried pulling my hair but I kept my teeth sunk into his skin. I could taste the coppery taste of his blood but I was no way in hell letting go. He slapped the back of my head so hard I fell back onto the ground, noticing a spot I could hide out for now without them being able to reach me; I quickly slid my body under the van.

I slid myself under as much as I could until I was completely out of their reach.

'Ha ha sucker I mentally screamed.' I lay under the van flat on my back with my arms glued to my sides with my fists clenched ready to attack if need be. Even though I was scared out of my wits I felt good that I had actually come up with something good for once.

I could hear them arguing over the loud drumming of my heart along with the pounding of my head. Staring up at the dirty metal of the bottom of the van I tried to slow my rapid heartbeat.

After what felt like minutes but was probably only a few seconds I turned my head to the side. Suddenly everything became silent, eerily silent. With not been able to see their feet along with not being able to hear them, I guessed they were planning something. I needed to slide my body out of here and run. However, I couldn't as I had a bad feeling that that was what they were expecting me to do and I was right!

After what felt like a life time I spotted the two men stepping up either side of the van blocking me in. I couldn't slide out the front because the engine was set so low and I couldn't twist my body around enough to see behind me because I could just about move in the small gap between the ground and the bottom of the van. My body started to shake so violently that I could feel the heat from the bottom of the van burn into me. Terrified I didn't know what the hell I was going to do because as long as they were either side of me there was no escape for me.

"Alicia you might as well give up and come out because there is no escape for you. Your dad gave us instructions and we will follow them through no matter how we have to do it. So if you don't want us to hurt you, I suggest you come out like a good little girl." His voice was so calm it sent chills down my spine. He knew that Mr Conroy was my dad? Then why the hell is he doing this to me?

How could all this happen to me? A few weeks ago I was locked up safe and sound in the cosiness of my own house. Then after going out one night, one bloody night my entire life changes and out of all those changes there is only one good thing that came out of it and that was Timmy. With my thoughts on Timmy's hansom face I suddenly remembered my phone.

Luckily the men hadn't searched me or even asked if I had anything on me, ha stupid men, I thought while reaching into my pocket and pulling out my phone.

Seeing I had full battery I got all excited. I called Lisa but her phone just kept ringing and ringing until it went to voice mail. I kept trying and trying but every time it just sent me straight to her answerphone. My heart was up in my mouth at the thought of Lisa somewhere locked up or even worse trapped in that building. A woman's voice I recognised sounded from the side of the van. Turning my head to the side I came face to face with the last person on earth I ever wanted to see.

"Oh hello there Alicia bet you didn't think you'd see me again so soon hey?" I wanted to claw her eyes out; I swear this girl was going to get it! Taking in a deep breath I bit down on my tongue so I wouldn't crawl out and kill her. "Oh cat bit your tongue honey. Ha ha, I guess the mouthy tart actually isn't so mouthy after all, or is it because you haven't my Timmy beside you." The way she spoke it was as if I was a little child. 'HER TIMMY! OVER MY DEAD BODY' I mentally screamed. I swear keeping my mouth shut was seriously becoming a problem. I wanted to rip her apart limb from limb.

"Come on Alicia tell me, how good is Timmy in bed? How does it feel to have a man you can never have? I guess not too well hey, but don't worry; you can have him after I'm finished with him. Now this is what is going to happen. We are going to keep you here until after the wedding as it looks like you're out to ruin my special day." She stopped talking and laughed a real throaty laugh. My blood was boiling to a point where if I didn't kill her right here and now I was going to explode.

In all my life I had never felt so infuriated, and it scared me. I wanted her blood and I wanted it now!

"Now be the good little girl that you are and come out from under there because if you don't then I'm afraid I'm going to have to get my men to drive off. Oh and wouldn't it be a shame if they accidently reversed right back over you." I knew she was serious just by the way she spoke. It was as if she was hoping I would stay hidden under here but she didn't have to hope because I would rather die from this piece of metal than be killed by her or even them men. As petrified and angry as I felt, I was ready for whatever they were going to throw at me.

"Hey bitch, I don't care what you do because you will never and I mean never have Timmy! You may end up with his money but that is all you are ever going to get because I have his heart his whole heart. It's sad really when I think about it, you will never be lucky enough to feel his love and tenderness and that night he was with you disgusts him even now. He said that you acted, even felt like a cheap ass prostitute and I guess he wasn't wrong because with you turning up here I guess that you and step daddy have been loving it up. Damn girl I wouldn't be surprised if that baby was his. Ha ha. What does your mum think of her own flesh and blood with her husband hers not yours, hers. Ha I guess you won't be ever loved by him either Sarah. Gosh I almost, and I mean almost could feel sorry for you. Then again you deserve it after what you're doing to Timmy and me." I could see her face clearly now and I couldn't help but laugh right in her face.

"Oh I guess nobody has ever told you the truth but hearing the truth hurts doesn't it Sarah but don't worry, your only getting exactly what you deserve." As these words left my mouth, she tried sliding under the van but I kicked out and kept kicking not letting her get anywhere near me. She was screaming in pure rage.

"RUN THIS BITCH OVER NOW!" she screamed out and within seconds I could hear the van doors open and close before the engine started up. My blood ran cold at the thought of them running me over. Surely they wouldn't, would they? My heart accelerated as I tried to come up with some way to get myself out of here.

The wheels of the van suddenly started spinning splashing mud and grass all over me. I could still see Sarah's feet standing alongside the van and before I knew it the van had moved forward and then it was reversing right back over me I squeezed my eyes closed but as quick as it backed up it was coming right at me again only this time I got up on my shaky legs and jumped on top of Sarah just as the van ran over just where I had only just been laying seconds beforehand. Seeing Sarah I began to totally freak out but then I thought, if I had a hold of Sarah surely they would stop, wouldn't they? I mentally questioned.


I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter ;)

I hate Sarah so much it's unreal and i never hate on anybody but that girl just argggg!!!!

Poor Alicia do you think shes going to make it out of there???

I have a nice surprise for you all in the next chapter :)

Quick Note:

With the kids going back to school, the next week is going to be crazy for me but please be paitent as I promise I will upload as quick as I can xxxxxx

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