Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

Entering my office, my workers all stopped what they were doing and just stared at me smiling. Shaking my head I blanked out  their strange behaviour and continued on to my office but as I reached my door I could feel everyone’s eyes piercing into me from behind. Ignoring them, I opened my door and gasped. My entire office was filled with fresh flowers. “Alicia” Leanne my receptionist called, snapping me out of my dreamy dazed state. “Hmm” I mumbled.

 “Here’s the note that came with the flowers,” she said as she handed me over the note. “Also there’s a man waiting outside saying that he’s your driver and I was to let you know that he will be waiting for you.” I couldn’t help but smile, could Timmy really be doing all this for me? Has he realised what he had done to make me leave him at the restaurant and now is trying to make up for it, I asked myself.

“Alicia if you don’t mind me saying. I think whoever this person is, who is trying to impress you, he is truly into you and I think it’s about time you moved on in your life. I know it is none of my business but please, for once in your life don’t over think this and just go for it.” this was the first time in two years that Leanne had ever spoken to me so forward and not work related at that. She had always kept her distance and only spoke when spoken too. Hearing her words not only hit me hard but also made me realise she was right. I needed to stop thinking and just act.

I needed to move on and whether I get hurt or not in the process, I will just have to deal with it, when and if that time comes. Turning to face Leanne I gave her a big hug. “Thank you Leanne. Your strong words have been just what I needed and you’re right, it is time for me to move on with my life.” She smiled as she took hold of my arm. “Then what are you waiting for, go on shoo, we will take care of everything here there’s a driver waiting for you.” She near on squealed with excitement whilst pushing me out of my office. Giving her one more grateful hug, I ran towards the exit of my office building to were the car was waiting for me.

A mixture of nerves and excitement bubbled through me at such an alarming rate, I didn’t know whether I was running or just fast walking, as all I could think of was Timmy. Just the mere thought of him waiting for me had my insides erupting and exploding with so many emotions that I couldn’t stop my self from smiling even if I tried.

 “Alicia I presume” the driver greeted me as I stepped up to the only car that was parked waiting. “Yes that’s me” I replied a little too excitedly, by the way he looked at me. He was an old man but had a stern fatherly scolding look that had me wanting to squirm away from him but picturing Timmy waiting just behind the door beside me nothing or nobody could’ve dampened the excitement I was feeling.

Once he opened the door the smell of Timmy, engulf me making me stand there frozen as I took in the delicious scents of cologne along with the spicy scent that somehow always seems to get my insides shaking. A warm hand took hold of mine as he tugged lightly helping me into the car. “Alicia” Timmy greeted. Although it didn’t really sound like a greeting as it came out more as a nervous question.


‘Thank god I’m not the only one of us that is feeling nervous,’ I told to myself.

 “Hello Timmy” I greeted, only it didn’t come out as strong and confident, as I wanted as it sounded more like a muffled moan than anything. “Hmm Alicia” he moaned but the way he stared into my flustered hot face with an amused smirk had me snapping back to reality. As quick, as I had managed to snap myself out of my dreamy dazed state, Timmy had drawn me back in by pressing his lips gently to mine.

“God I’m so glad you came. I haven’t been able to think, let alone sleep since you left me back at the restaurant.” The sincerity in his voice had me deepening the kiss, the way I’ve been dying to, in a very long time and by god, the way he was kissing me so hungrily, had every part of me standing on end. My entire insides were squealing with excitement and a need so strong that I knew I had lost myself to Timmy, right there and then.

 Even if he was to flirt or even kiss another woman right in front of me right now, I knew I could no longer resist him.  I had finally lost my battle to fight against my attraction to Timmy. Moreover, I was now ready, ready to let him do what he pleases with me. Whether it’s for one, or many nights to come, I was his, for him to do what he wants with because I could no longer fight this attraction and need, I so strongly held for him.

The kiss quickly became more heated to the point that we were near too ripping each other’s clothes off but the sudden jerk of the car coming to a stop had us breaking apart. Panting heavily I quickly straightened out my dress just in time as the driver opened my door.

As I stepped out of the car, taking in the sight before me I felt as if I was in some sort of romance novel. Timmy hadn’t taken me to some fancy restaurant of even back to his place, as I thought he would’ve. Timmy had gone that one-step further and took me to the beach but I could tell straight away that this wasn’t a public beach.

For one there was not a person in sight and it was summer time. Two there was a rug lay out with a picnic basket placed in the centre. I hadn’t a clue where we were but the view was absolutely beautiful. The crystal blue water, was as clear, as clear could be and the sand, oh my gosh it was so golden that the way the sun shined against it, it looked as if the entire beach was made of pure gold. “WOW” was all I could say as I was left speechless. “It is beautiful isn’t it but not as beautiful as you.” My heart melted at his words and even though in the back of my mind I knew that, his words were probably used on a hundred or more girls I didn’t care.  Timmy took a hold of my hand entwining our fingers  as he escorted me to where the blanket laid.


OMG lol

how do you think this will end?????

Too Hot To Resist  (#Sytycw) completedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz