Chapter three

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We were grinding our bodies up and down on each other to the point that all the bystanders would've thought that we were lovers instead of best friends. However, I didn't care, as many of our friends were lesbians. Lisa started to run her fingertips along my arm before I felt the presence of another take over from Lisa. Only I knew right away that it was Timmy. Just by the way, my body came alight by his mere touch.

He slowly started running his fingers up and down my arms as he pushed his body up against mine. Although it looked and was more than likely just an innocent move, it was in no way innocent to me. Dirty thoughts of him running his hands over more intermit parts of my body got me so aroused that I pushed my body harder up against his solid body. I began rubbing and grinding my body up against his in need to feel each and every inch of his sexy body. The need/desperation I was feeling had me wanting to crash my lips against his. However, after a lot and I mean a hell of a lot of mental fighting with myself, I managed to hold myself back.

Feeling his hot breath hovering over the crook of my neck followed by gentle light kisses, a moan escaped my lips yet again. Hearing him growl deep in the back of his throat as I moaned, sent pleasurable burning hot tingles throughout my body.

"Oh, Alicia what are you doing to me girl?" he whispered huskily into my ear and even with the music blaring around us, I could still hear his hot husky voice.

My heart sped up as he took my earlobe in between his teeth and started nibbling and sucking on it.

"Oh, Timmy" I moaned as I tilted my head back to allow him better access.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered as he continued to torture me, by kissing, sucking and nibbling on my neck, ear and everywhere he could access. Our moment was cut short when a panicked looking Thomas came running into us.

"Alicia, you have to help me please, Lisa has been in the toilets for ages now and I can't go in there, please I'm worried" it felt as if a bucket of ice-cold water had just been thrown over me. Without a word, I went running towards the lady's room which luckily for me was right across from where we were standing.

After knocking everyone out of my way, I finally made it to the lady's room. I started to panic when I couldn't see Lisa anywhere. I started banging on every cubical door and just when I thought I had lost her, I found her leaning over a toilet asleep. My racing heart slowed once I'd seen her passed out hanging over the toilet. I would've laughed but as I tried to get her up, she stirred and started throwing up. Taking a step back, I held her hair back out of the way as I waited for her to finish emptying her highly intoxicated stomach.

After some time, I finally managed to drag her over to the sinks, where I managed to then clean her up enough just to get her out of here. I made a mental note to clean her up more when I got her home. The shock of thinking something had happened to Lisa had in some way sobered me up to a point where I could actually walk in a straight line. Not that I could with the dead weight of Lisa hanging off of me but at least I could hold her weight more sturdily now.

As I made my way through the club, I kept my eyes open for Timmy and Thomas, but I couldn't see them anywhere. Once I had made it through the crowds and outside, one of the bouncers grabbed me a taxi. I knew I only lived a couple of minutes from here but between my aching feet and a very intoxicated Lisa, I knew I wouldn't be able to make it home in one piece.

Before I knew it, I was dragging Lisa into my apartment, I was just happy that I lived on the ground floor; otherwise, we would've been spending the night on the floor. Once inside I managed to strip Lisa down and get her settled in the guest bedroom. I didn't bother with trying to get her into the shower as I thought she was clean enough. Plus, she could shower herself first thing in the morning.

After placing a basin beside the bed just incase she gets sick again I made sure she was on her side, so she wouldn't choke on her own vomit. Satisfied that she was alright, I made my way back to my bedroom. Wiggling out of my dress I pictured Timmy's hands running over my naked body and what he could've been doing to me right here, right now. Hmm! I groaned as I slipped frustrated self under the covers. I couldn't stop wondering how Timmy had such a powerful effect on me in such a short time. I guess my one night out to get laid, ended up in me giving Lisa first aid, I laughed to myself at how it rhymed.

The entire night was spent with me tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep with the thought of how this night could've ended so differently if it wasn't for Lisa. Then again, I guess I wouldn't have met him at all if it weren't for Lisa. Leaving out a heavy sigh, I kicked the sheets off me, finally given up on any chance of sleep.

The sun was already up and shinning but as frustrated as I was, I knew I just had to snap myself out of it. I had to remember that in Lisa's type of work, neither man nor woman for that matter was ever into relationships. If I was, to be honest with myself, I don't think one night with Timmy would've been enough for me. With them being well known for their one-night stands, I knew that was all Timmy could've or should I say would've offered me.

As soon as the coffee had finished brewing, Lisa came staggering into the kitchen holding her head in both of her hands. laughing seeing the state of her she managed to lift her head up just to give me the evils.

"Here take these," I said holding out some painkillers for her to take.

"Oh, why do I drink? I swear I am never drinking again and I mean it this time!" she stated just like she does every time she suffers from a hangover. I couldn't help but laugh even louder whilst mumbling yeah yeah.

"Alicia, I know you're probably mad at me but please don't laugh so loud." I bit down on my lip trying to stop myself from laughing, but then I thought of how I had spent the night tossing and turning all because of her drinking too much. The laughter I was holding in I left out, only this time I was literally laughing my head off. The evil looks she gave me made me bend over, as I couldn't stop laughing at her dismay.



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