Chapter twenty-five

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Chapter twenty-five

My meal came out and as hungry, as I was only moments ago, the sight of the food in front of me now, made me want to throw up. The restaurant that usually makes me feel at home suddenly made me feel uneasy. The tenseness between Timmy and I somehow filled the restaurant.

“Oh Timmy my love you made it, I’m so happy you did.” Hearing Sarah’s UN natural squeaky voice made me feel as if I had been thrown off of a cliff into shark-invested waters.

My body sunk deeper into my seat as the tears began overflowing. Every last piece of strength I had been desperately holding onto crumbled at hearing her voice. Timmy had yet to respond and if he did, I hadn’t heard him. Maybe it was because I had covered my ears with my hands in hope of blocking out everything around me.

It suddenly felt as if everything around me was closing in on me, and at the same time falling apart. Yes, life was hard, unfair even but I have fought with this battle for so long that I didn’t want to fight it anymore. I’ve lost so much in my life that there was realistically nothing left for me to loose. Well only my sanity and I could feel that slowly slipping away as well.

Was this how love was supposed to be? Was love meant to hurt and break you into what felt like a million of tiny pieces that was impossible to rebuild. Even my mum was left heartbroken when my dad up and left her for another woman. Was it a family jinks? Was this how I was going to end up, alone with no one to love me? No family I could call me own.

 Lost in my own depressing world, I hadn’t realised someone was sitting beside me until I felt his arms wrap themselves around me. How did I know it was a man, well let’s just say the warmth and the sparks that were exploding  through my body told me exactly whom it was.

Not in any condition to fight him off, I snuggled into his arms shoving all my anger for him aside and just enjoyed his comfort. It felt so perfect being here in his arms as if this is were I was always destined to be. There was something about Timmy, which just made all the bad things in my life disappear.

Both of us were silent but no words were needed, as everything that needed to be said our bodies spoke for us. I knew in my heart we were meant to be but I guess I was too late, as he had already chosen the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with and that wasn’t I.

Timmy ran his thumb across my cheek as he tried to wipe away my forever flowing tears. With his body wrapped around mine it was a feeling, I never wanted to lose. “Alicia” he whispered. Looking up into his bright green eyes, I noticed how dull they looked. Taking a better look at his features, I noticed that he looked as worn and drained as I felt. The hopelessness in his eyes almost made me feel sorry for him but whatever it was that was affecting him like this, I knew it wasn’t me.  As much as I wished his sadness was from being away from me, I knew deep down it wasn’t.

“God I love you so much Alicia.” He started to say before another two people approached our table ruining our perfect moment and stopping him from saying whatever it was he was going to say.

 “Well this looks cosy.” A deep male’s voice bellowed.  I heard a mumbling squeak coming from the one and only Sarah at the same time but with my heart pounding so hard I couldn’t make out what she was saying. I tried to move away from Timmy but Timmy held me firmly in place. “It is cosy thank you father and Sarah you can go I will call you later.” Timmy said.  The way he spoke, well more like spat at them stomped me.

 How could he stay here holding me when his soon to be wife was standing there right in front of us watching him hug me? I felt so bad that I just wanted to get up and run but the way Timmy was holding on to for dear life, I knew I didn’t stand a chance. To say it was awkward and tense would be an absolute understatement. 

“Well Alicia I will see you Friday for Timmy’s and mine final wedding arrangements.” The venom in Sarah's voice had me squirming in my seat.

“Timmy, I don’t know what is going on between you two but whatever it is you better put an end to it now, or so help me god you will have no part in your unborn Childs life.” and with that she stomped away. My blood ran cold at the mention that she was pregnant and Timmy’s at that.

Timmy’s body went rigid just as mine did and as much as I wanted to say something, I couldn’t  find no words to say. Sarah was pregnant with Timmy’s child. What the hell!

“Son what is this? Why are you holding this woman, when you’re meant to be holding your soon to be wife Sarah?” his words not only sent chills down my back but also had Timmy’s body stiffening even more.

 I couldn’t believe all that was going on right in front of me and here I was still curled up into his body as if nothing was wrong. But the comfort I felt from his hold just kept pulling me inn. Then again, I guess it could have been the fear of his dad towering over me whilst looking at me as if he wanted me dead.

 “Dad this is none of your business, none of it is. How do you know that that child is even mine? Have you even thought of asking me, have I slept with Sarah? NO! Have you asked me if I even know Sarah, No! So why don’t you just go and have fun with Sarah because it’s as if you want her because I sure as hell don’t. This here is Alicia. She is the woman that I love not that you would even care!” hearing every word Timmy yelled at his dad had My heart was pounding so hard against my chest that I thought it was going to explode at any second. Not only was he telling his dad he didn’t love or even want Sarah but also he was admitting his love for me. He actually loved me.

OH MY GOD TIMMY LOVED ME! I screamed mentally.


OMG what do you think???

Timmy admited he loved her maybe not to her face but he admited it all the same.I do feel for Sarah espeacially with being pregnant and all.

So much happening and still many questions hanging but all will be answered soon ;)

please share this story with your friends :)

Mel xx

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