Chapter twenty-six

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Too Hot To Resist

ChickLit #4 / General Fiction #5

Chapter twenty-six

The man I had been hiding away from, since I didn’t think he loved me, actually loved me. However, he also had a baby on the way, as well as a waiting bride. Was the baby his? Is that why he was marrying Sarah? The way his dad was acting it was as if he had some kind of proof that the baby was Timmy’s but what parent in their right mind wouldn’t question them to make sure that it was his son’s baby. And why was Timmy so mad?

 So many questions were running through my head that I began to feel dizzy. Timmy and his dad where arguing back and forth but I couldn’t understand a word they were saying as everything surrounding me suddenly felt like a jigsaw puzzle that was broken into thousands of pieces, waiting for someone to come along and put it all  back together. Shoving everything aside I started to think over Timmy’s words to his dad.


  As his words started to sink in, everything was starting to make some sense to me not much but some. By the sound of Timmy’s angry voice and his declaration of his love for me, I could tell that this wedding was not of his choice or liking for that matter.  However, by the way he and his dad was arguing back and fourth I felt the need to get out of here but at the same time I didn’t want to leave Timmy alone. Yes, I know I should’ve left well before now but Timmy still hadn’t loosened his hold on me.

 “Excuse me please gentleman, would you mind keeping your voices down a little as we have other costumers here, who are trying to have a nice peaceful meal.” the two men froze as the little old woman spoke.

Not one of them spoke up and by the looks on their mortified faces I knew they weren’t going to reply her anytime soon.

 “I am deeply sorry for any trouble we’ve caused; I will make sure that we will keep it down.” I told her as I tried to smooth things over. Timmy and his dad just stared at me; as I apologized on behalf to the two of them.

“It’s ok dear, it’s just I don’t like seeing any of my costumers upset and that includes you two gentleman.” She said in a caring way as she nodded towards Timmy’s dad and Timmy. Timmy’s dad stood there stunned, it was as if he had never had anyone care for him before and as I looked up at Timmy, I noticed that he too wore the same expression as his dad.   

 Feeling a pang in my chest I realised that the three of us were not as different as I had thought.

Timmy screamed power and sexiness and his dad screamed pure power. I though screamed nothing however, the sadness and loneliness that showed that second in their eyes was enough to let me know that something had happened in their past, just as it did mine. The old lady left leaving the three of us deep within our own thoughts.

I don’t how long we stayed there just thinking before I snapped out of it. With Timmy distracted I took that as my chance to leave. I needed some time alone to think.  Slipping over the still dazed Timmy I threw some money on the table before quickly making my way to the door.  Just as the door was closing behind me I could hear Timmy calling me. Panicking on what I should do, I had two options. Run or  hide, with no time to think, I made a runner down the side of the restaurant.

 I could hear the footsteps of Timmy and who I guess was his dad walking alongside him. Holding my breath I hoped and prayed that they wouldn’t spot me.

I could now see them but they couldn’t see me, as their backs where to me as they both looked around trying to find me. “Oh Alicia please don’t leave me. Come back to me please.” I heard Timmy saying to no one In particular.  Hearing him pleading for me to come back had me sobbing my heart out. Covering my mouth with my hands to try and muffle my sobs, I leaned against the wall just watching him fall apart just I was.

Timmy and his dad were full out shouting at each other as they looked from left to right in search for I guess me. I couldn’t stand it no more I wanted to run up and scream at them both but I had not an once or energy left in me.   


After what felt like hours passed by before Timmy and his dad started to silently move out of my view. Sliding down the wall, I sat on the ground hugging myself as I continued to sob. As Timmy’s words repeatedly ran through my head. I loved him so much.

The only thing was was I willing to split a father and child up because I loved him? Would I be able to still love him with knowing I was the cause to separate a family, a family I never had a chance of having. Could I really leave another child to go through what I had to go through? Although I didn’t want to admit it, I knew the answer before even having to think about it. Hearing a door to the side of me creaking opened I began to get up but before I could move away the same little old lady from the restaurant was standing to my side.

She had such a heart you’d think she was an angel sent from heaven above. The way she talked and comforted me reminded me of my mum.



I know it's short but I didn't want to let any of you down as i had promised you all that I would upload.

I will try my hardest to upload again tomorrow if not monday :)

Love Mel xx

Too Hot To Resist  (#Sytycw) completedWhere stories live. Discover now