Chapter thirty-eight

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Chapter thirty-eight

Upon entering the building, I suddenly had a strong urge to turn around and run. Not because I was scared but because of the bad feeling that started to settle within me. It felt so bad that it was sending cold shivers up and down my spine.  Even though I knew what I was about to do was crazy, all I kept thinking was what did I have to lose.

I needed to stop this wedding! And no matter how hard this is for me, nothing could be as bad as watching the man I loved marrying another woman, especially when he loves me too.

 Shoving all the negativity to the back of my head, I left my thoughts run back to my mums death and Sarah. With all the built up anger I’ve held in over the years, I finally left it free.  Enraged to the point where I could only red, I stormed towards the security guard where Sarah was already giving in our names.

 However, not our real names; as she said it would be best if our real identities where hidden. Ha ha she really thought I was thick, I knew the real reason why though and it wasn’t because of her friend getting us access. No, it was more on the lines to cover her ass because if she goes smashing someone’s face in, her true identity will not be known. Clever girl, I thought to myself not that I was going to tell her that because that would only encourage her.

As we stepped into the empty elevator my stomach felt as if it was rising along with it. Oh my god Alicia now is not the time to puke, I repeatedly told myself. “Feck, Alicia you’re as white as a bloody ghost, take some deep breaths.” Lisa rubbed my lower back as she tried to calm me down.

 “I’m sorry I’m just such a raging mess.” I said as I took in deep breaths. “I know hunny but don’t worry one way or another we will stop this wedding even if it means we have to kill someone to stop it.” my eyes felt as if they were going to pop out of their sockets; as I see Lisa looking like some evil conniving convict waiting for her next kill.

 I couldn’t help but shudder as I pictured The Joker from Batman. WOW she looked so like him, I burst opened laughing. Lisa stood there looking at me like I had finally lost it but I guess in all reality I had.

 The elevator dinged just before the doors started too slid back. My breath caught in my throat as Lisa took hold of my hand and walked us; well I should say more like charged us straight towards my dad’s office. How did I know? Well let’s just say, Lisa had a map showing us where to go on her phone. I guess that was also from her little inside informer.

  Standing directly in front of his office door an old woman came out of nowhere storming towards us whilst shouting for us to stop where we were. She had that stern look to her that would usually have me begging for mercy but I didn’t have time for that now, as the thought of being thrown out of here before I had a chance to talk to my dad had me panicking. Without further thought I swung the office door opened and pushed Lisa inside before slamming the door closed behind us. Seeing the key sticking out of the lock, I quickly locked it whilst quickly thanking god.

 As I turned around, for what felt like the first time ever, I came face to face with who I guess was my dad. My blood ran cold but at the same time boiled. He looked the complete opposite of what I had imagined him to be. He was tall and slim where I had picture my dad small but big built. He didn’t have the soft caring look as I so thought I’d see but a deep menacing scowl that made you squirm back on your spot. He had dark brown eyes which felt as if they were burning into my very soul.

There were so many things I wanted to ask him but I just stood there staring as if I was hypnotized. My body was experiencing so many emotions all at once that it was as if my head was going to explode at any second.

“Hello daughter, we unfortunately meet again.”  The disgust in his tone struck something within me and as much as it hurt, it seemed to anger me more, if that was even possible. I wanted to punch him so hard but I needed to hold myself back so I could ask him about Sarah first.

“Why is Sarah really marrying Timmy? I know that the baby isn’t his and I know you know what she is doing. Please I love him and I need to stop this wedding.” I had to stop there because his face was turning red from what I could see was pure raging anger. He looked as if he was going to kill me. I began to shake but I wasn’t about to back down I had come this far and I wanted answers.

However, before I could open my mouth to speak he began screaming. “YOU BITCH!” and with that he had snapped that little bit of sanity I was desperately holding onto. Without thinking I charged across his office to where he just stood looking at me as if I was some piece of trash. I barged into him hoping I would knock him to the floor but he was stronger than he looked as he pushed me down and pinned me to the floor instead. His hands had such a strong grip on my wrists that if he squeezed any tighter I knew he would snap them.

 Lisa was on his back punching and kicking him frantically as I cried out in pain as his entire body weight was on top of me, pinning me down.

“Please Lisa no, leave him protect yourself.” I screamed at her desperately for hers and her baby’s safety. My dad was laughing so deep and loud that it was as if it was bouncing of the walls. I stopped fighting him and just laid there as I saw him roughly pulling at Lisa.

“Please this is between me and you leave her please.” but my pleading words came too late as my dad slammed Lisa’s body hard into the wall behind us. The position he had a hold of me in, all I could see was Lisa’s body hitting the floor as she held onto her swollen stomach protectively. It was as if it was all happening in slow motion as her head bounced before landing back on the hardwood flooring with such a force, I screamed out in terror.


I have to say that seeing how many of you are loving this story, has really touched me.

Thank you all so much!!!

Poor Lisa whats going to happen????

Will Alicia manage to break free from Mr conroy??

What will Mr Conroy do ????

Omg I'm getting excited now haha

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