chapter forty-nine

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 I really hope you will all love this chapter xx

Chapter forty-nine


Timmy’s Pov


I was a total wreck. Everything was going to plan until the one bit of proof we thought we had, had vanished. We had someone come forward saying they would help us but since we last saw him which was only last night he has vanished from the face of the earth. We have spent so much time searching for him but as much as we don’t want to admit it, we know Mr Conroy has already gotten to him and more than likely took him out.  I just hoped that if Mr Conroy had that he had made him move out of the country because the thought of that poor man dying because of me just added to my list of guilt.

 My dad and Thomas have been the best in helping me but even they were at a loss now. The three of us have been non-stop hunting people down, trying to get something, anything that could clear me of being the father of Sarah’s baby but no one was talking. It was as if Mr Conroy had paid off everyone in the city to keep their mouths shut or they just feared him too much to get involved. Even the private investigators had hit a brick wall, so to speak. Nothing was going as we planned and I was now pulling my hair out in frustration.

Tomorrow was the dreaded wedding and I was seriously ready to crack up. I have thought about just running away with Alicia but with the contract my dad had signed with Sarah, every last possession I owned, would be hers.

 To be honest I just wanted to give her the bloody lot as I was becoming a total mess.

In front of everyone I am still the strong bold business man but the minute I’m by myself and behind closed doors; that’s when you could see the real me. I’ve spent so much time crying that I never thought it was possible to cry that much. My heart felt as if it was shattering and with the wedding day drawing closer, I began to feel empty inside, it was as if I was becoming hollow. A shell of the man I once was.

Dad and I had been to see our solicitor, to see if there was any way out of the contract but to my despair, there wasn’t. I was so mad at my dad that I exploded right there and then in front of our solicitor. However, by the time I had calmed down, dad had told me exactly what had happened and by god I felt sick.

The conniving devious Sarah had actually had the contract drawn up, not my dad. What made it worse was that she got our priest, or should I say paid our priest off to hand the contract over to Stan saying how important this was for his grandchild. It was right in that minute that my dad literally fell to pieces. Not only hadn’t he trusted and believed in me his own son but he believed in the priest who had married him to my mum. Christened me when I was born and he was the one who had even buried my mum.

 I knew how and what was going through my dad’s head as he sat there completely torn. It killed me seeing my dad like this but at the same time I was still mad at him, for not trusting in me in the first place. If he had just listened to me we wouldn’t have been in this mess right now and I could be living happily in the arms of the one I love instead of hiding from her.

The bad thing was I knew she needed me more than ever tonight but I just couldn’t talk to her right now. Don’t get me wrong I was dying to hear her voice but I just couldn’t hold myself together enough to not cause her to panic. I’ve spent the last seventy-two hours running around doing everything I possibly could to stop this bloody wedding. I knew Mr Conroy was the father of Sarah’s baby but there was not an ounce of evidence to stand by me. I even went as far as going to see Sarah’s mother and she didn’t even know that her own daughter was pregnant which seemed a little off to me but then again Sarah wasn’t like any normal daughter/ person.

I had already paid Mr Conroy off so he wouldn’t press charges against Alicia for beating Lisa up as well as the breaking and entering charges he was going to press against her. I didn’t mind paying up but it just pissed me off so much because I was the one who ended up un hospital and he was the one who kidnapped Alicia but as the solicitor told me Alicia would have got done either way so instead of putting her through any more crap, I just shut my mouth and paid up.

 So much has happened in so little time, that my head was spinning. I felt like I couldn’t take anymore and although I know Alicia feels the same; I can’t have her knowing how bad this is actually affecting me, not only mentally but physically as well.

  I can’t sleep, I can’t eat and most of all I can’t stand being away from the love of my life. If that wasn’t bad enough, I’ve had to put up with Sarah too. She has been non-stop hovering around me; seriously she’s like a leech. Whenever she attempts to touch me I quickly move out of her reach because I can’t stand to have her near me, let alone touch me. Poor dad though has had to act as if nothing had changed between Sarah and him in hope that she wouldn’t get any ideas that he was onto her.

I’ve been trying to get some sleep for hours now but no matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to settle. Picturing Alicia’s saddened tormented beautiful face just tears me apart. I knew she loved me with all her heart, just as I loved her. And as much as I didn’t want to think of marrying Sarah, I had to because I had to think of Alicia.  I have caused her so much heartache and pain that I couldn’t possibly ask for any more from her. As selfish as I want to be and ask her to wait for me, I know deep down I would never forgive myself for prolonging her pain.

Knowing  that if  mum was alive now she would be shouting at me  right now for not following my heart  and if I know my mum as well as I think I do, she would be telling me

‘Timmy stuff the money! It’s only material. Love is something you hold onto dear life to, and there is no amount of money on this planet that could buy that special true love.’ Although I knew deep down what I should do, I wasn’t ready to let my mum go. I loved her so much and all I have and the man I have become is all due to having such a wonderful loving mother in my life. That’s when I realized that I actually loved Alicia even more than I thought I did because I loved Alicia as much as I loved my mother.

 Grabbing hold of my pillow I screamed into it as I left out all the pain I have been feeling. I felt big arms wrap around me and pull me into their chest. I knew right away it was my dad as he had held me like this many of times only this time I don’t think he will be able to help me. I laid there holding on to my dad for dear life.

“Son I love you more than anything in this world and I will do everything in my power for you not to walk up that isle tomorrow. Get some sleep boy and tomorrow I promise we will work something out.” With saying that he kissed me on the forehead before tucking me in like he used to do every night when I was a little kid.

 “I love you too dad.” I told him honestly through my heavy sobs. I did love my dad and even though he had caused all this mess I still couldn’t hate him because I knew he was beating himself up inside enough for the both of us.    


Oh poor Timmy bless him he seems to be suffering as much as Alicia if not more!

I'm so happy that Stan is actually there for his son now even though this is all his fault.

Wedding day next chapter :/ omg

I'm going to take my time writing the next chapter as i really want to give it my best so please bear with me please xxxxx

I want you all to know that i Love and appreciate you all so much Mel xxx

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