Chapter twenty-one

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Chapter twenty-one

Feeling someone lifting me up, I tried to open my eyes but with my head spinning out of control, I daren’t open them. I could hear voices in what sounded like muffled whispering but I was too out of it to recognize who it was, let alone ask them.  However, I wasn’t worried too much, as I knew the security guard down stairs wouldn’t just let anybody walk into my office. Although I did have an idea, on whom it was and if I was right, I really wasn’t ready to talk to her let alone listen to another one of her motherly lectures. Shutting off my brain I left sleep take over me.


Wakening up to, a pounding headache, I slowly opened my eyes but what I saw had me wanting to scream my head off. However, with my head pounding and seeing the person I swore that I never wanted to see again in my life, I froze. Flashes of last night came flooding back making me want to through up, only I hadn’t a clue where the bathroom was and the last thing I wanted to do right now was to wake up what I hoped was only a half naked person beside me.

 I nervously looked under the sheets making sure I was still fully clothed. My heart felt as if it had literally stopped at the sight. I couldn’t breathe; it felt as if the room was closing in on me as I saw that I was as naked as the day I was born.  I wanted to scream, shout, hell, I wanted to kill him. Leaping out of the bed as quick as I could without waking him up, I ran out the door with nothing but a shirt that I had found crumpled on the floor beside the bed.

Running down the stairs I came to a stand still as I realised I had no phone, purse and worst of all no clothes and on top of all that, I hadn’t a clue were I was.

“Trying to do a runner are you?” I heard his deep husky voice asking. I had never felt so disgusted in myself, in all my life. Not only did I sleep with a soon to be married man but also the man that had ripped my heart out the exact same day as I had slept with him.

With my blood turning to what felt like ice, I stood there frozen. There was no escape for me and I knew I had to face him. Only I couldn’t, as I didn’t even want to see him right now let alone talk to him.

 How in gods name did I get here? I asked myself. The last thing I remembered was drinking my sorrows away in my office. I tried thinking back to last night hoping I didn’t actually sleep, sleep with him and we had only shared a bed.

“Alicia” he called tearing me away from my dreadful thinking. My head snapped up just out of reaction making me want to slap myself. Timmy not only was completely naked but he was smirking at me as if this was all funny to him. Not being able to hold myself together anymore, I let rip.


Tears streamed down my face as every bit of built up anger exploded as I lashed out on Timmy. Timmy took hold of my wrists and pulled me into his chest locking me in his arms. I fought and struggled to free myself from his tight hold but he was not letting me go anywhere. “Once you calm down I will explain everything.” He said so calmly that it made me want to slap him right around his gorgeous face.

“Explain. Explain what exactly, that only last night you were declaring you liked, liked me and then you receive a call from who I now guess was you’re soon to be wife. Then to top it all off you walk into MY OFFICE WITH YOUR FIANCEE EXPECTING ME TO PLAN YOUR BLOODY WEDDING WHEN I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO MAKE A GO OF THINGS. DO YOU NO WHAT TIMMY. I HATE YOU MORE THAN I’VE EVER HATED ANYBODY IN MY LIFE, SO GET YOUR FILTY HANDS OFF OF ME AND GO TO HELL.” I screamed out at the top of my lungs.

 Panting heavily he released his hold on me and then turned and walked away. I stood there crying not knowing what to do or where to go. Timmy walked up to me a few moments later and handed me my clothes and purse before he turned around and walked off again. I suddenly felt guilty for taking all my hurt and anger out on him. I shook my head not wanting to think anymore. I walked down the hall until I saw an open door; seeing the room was empty, I walked in and closed the door behind me. Quickly dressing I routed through my purse for my phone, seeing my phone I left out a big breath whilst thanking god. I called a taxi then ran down the stairs and out of his house.

Once the taxi dropped me back home I curled up on the sofa and cried and cried until I could cry no more. I used to believe that everything in life happened for a reason but right now, I didn’t know what to think. Everything about my life filled me with so much pain and heartache that I no longer wanted to live this life. I wished I had of died along with my mum. Maybe then, I wouldn’t be suffering as much and I would still be with the one person who truly did love me with all of her heart.

 My mum was the only person that had never hurt me, well except when she died, but that wasn’t her fault. That sick drunken driver had sent her to her early grave.  I felt so tired, weak but I couldn’t sleep there was just too much going on in my mind to sleep.


WOW Thank you all so so much for all your wonderful comments!!!!!

Do you think Alicia slept with Timmy and i dont mean by sleeping lol???

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