Chapter Forty-three

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Because I left you all with a horrible cliffhanger last chapter, I will be giving you another upload tomorrow :)

Chapter forty-three

With Sarah trapped beneath my body, I began punching her. I laid punch after punch even with her face smothered in her own blood, I kept laying into her. I knew I needed to stop but I just couldn't, well that was until I could feel her body go limp beneath me. Leaving her slightly conscious, I picked her up so we were both standing.

Seeing that the van was now heading back towards us I done the only thing I could, I started praying. My only hope now was that when they see that I've got a hold of Sarah that they would stop. Then from out of nowhere came a speeding SUV. It was heading right towards us as well, only from the other direction. My heart pounded so hard against my chest that it felt as if it was going to explode at any giving second.

Sarah had stopped her weak attempt of struggling to get out of my firm hold. It was as if her body had finally given in because she could barely hold her own weight up now. Having to hold her weight up, repulsed me, when all I really wanted to do was drop her and run but I couldn't because she was my only chance of survival.

Everything was happening so quick that I didn't know whether to run or stay still. The van and SUV were heading right for us sandwiching us in between the two big heaps of metal. seeing none of them slowing I dropped Sarah and started running. I could hear someone screaming my name but I was too terrified to look around. Then seeing I had ran far enough I turned my head slowly. Spotting Lisa and Thomas running towards me, I started running towards them. 'Thank you god' I mentally thanked with all my heart.

I was no longer alone, Lisa was here for me again but I was just so relieved that she was ok and had gotten out of the building. With seeing Lisa and Thomas I had totally forgotten about the SUV and the van that was coming for me until I heard the crushing of metal along followed by heart wrenching screams. Thomas was screaming as he stood frozen on his spot. Thomas suddenly looked like a ghost, his face had lost all colour as he continued to scream out.

As much as I tried to make out what he was saying I couldn't. Between the screams coming from both vehicles as well as Lisa and Thomas's screams I just stood and watched in horror as I started to take in everything that was happening around me.

Shouldn't I be feeling pleased that these two vehicles had collided? Even though I felt a little relieved something deep inside of me was telling me something bad was going to happen but before I could think too much into it I heard the words I never in a million years wanted to hear "TIMMY" screaming out I began running towards the crushed SUV but before I could get any closer Thomas and Lisa were at my side. Thomas was crying as he starred at the tumbling SUV that I now only recognized was his.

I felt numb; all I could feel was the heavily pounding of my heart. Timmy was in Thomas's SUV that had just smashed into a tree to the side of us. The crushing of mental had silenced just as all the screaming had. It was as if everything had come to a standstill.

Thomas let go of me and went running over to his SUV with Lisa and I close on his heels. As we drew closer my eyes began to blur. Feeling light headed I fought with everything in me to stay strong and alert because Timmy needed me. He wouldn't have even been here if it wasn't for me. It was as if someone or something out there was testing our love or even trying to split us apart, but I wasn't going to let it happen. I was going to have to grow some balls as they say.

Thomas had already climbed in through the passenger window and there was no glass anywhere. I began to climb in after him but Lisa pulled me back, I could hear Thomas talking to Timmy but Timmy wasn't responding.

"Thomas will call us if he needs help, let's just wait here." I wanted to scream at Lisa but by the unnatural calmness in her voice I knew she was trying to hold it together just as I was. "Your right." I replied half-heartedly because I wanted to be in there but at the same time I knew I would be of no use.

Lisa and I held each other tightly as we cried our hearts out as we waited to hear something from Thomas. Every second that passed felt like an hour. It was torturing me not knowing if Timmy was alive or not. Not been able to wait another second. "Thomas" I screamed, I needed to know if Timmy was ok? I knew the ambulance was on its way but even that seemed to be taking forever.

"He's unconscious but his pulse is quite strong. I think he's going to be alright." Hearing those words, it felt as if the world had just been lifted off my shoulders. I finally allowed myself to collapse to the ground. Leaving my guard down, my entire body felt as if it had been hit by a truck. Crying hysterically Lisa and I rocked each other as we waited nervously for the ambulance to arrive.

What felt like hours later we were all in the hospital waiting for Timmy to come out of surgery. We had been told nothing at all, well except that Timmy needed surgery. I think I had cried all my tears out. I felt numb. I had a strong feeling that Timmy was going to make it but at the same time that didn't stop me worrying. I hated hospitals the last time I was in one was the day my mum died and just that thought alone had me reliving the worse day of my life. I just hoped that the paramedics were right and Timmy survives because I really don't think I could go through the death of another loved one. Especially Timmy he was my other half the one that completed me and loved me with his every being.

The paramedics said that he was very lucky to have such minor injuries considering the state of the vehicle he was in and that if he was in a car then he wouldn't have stood a chance. The word minor usually meant a small amount but in this case I knew their minor was my major.

Thomas had already spoken to the police and as we were waiting, we all went over our stories as we had left a few points out such as going to Mr Conroy's. Once we had that sorted all that out, we started searching through Mr Conroy's phone which up until now, we still hadn't found anything useful. Thomas said he knew someone who could somehow go into his deleted files which I have to say, I was a little of unsure of but what did we have to lose now? We had nothing else to go on.


Thank you all so much for all of your comments!!!! WOW is all i can say as you have all left me totally speechless. You are all so good to me and your support is something i cherish :)

Loves you all Mel xxxxx

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