Chapter forty-five

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Sorry you've had to wait 3 days but been crazy here

Happy reading :)

Chapter forty-five

Thomas had told us how he managed to tell Stan everything however; he wouldn't tell us what he was going to do to stop the wedding. All he kept saying is that we are, going to just have to trust him on this. On top of that, I still hadn't seen Timmy since they had wheeled him on the stretcher into the back of the ambulance. Yes I knew he wasn't in any life threatening danger but at the same time I needed to see him for myself.

What made it even worse was that I wanted to be the first person Timmy saw when he woke up and not Sarah. I knew it was more on the jealously side but who would blame me; he was mine, as I was his. Sarah was just a woman who was trying to dig her claws in for money. Argggg

Worry filled me to the core. No matter how much I tried to reassure myself that Timmy was going to be ok it still didn't stop me worrying. All the worst case scenarios invaded my mind, making me an emotional wreck.

Knowing Sarah was there with him sickened me even more. I just hoped with all of my heart that he hadn't lost his memory. Not because I wouldn't look after him because I would. It was knowing that Sarah was there and if she knew this, she would sure as hell act up on it. I was so worried about this that I could actually vision her all over him and kissing him and making him think she was his. What made it all more sickening was that I still didn't trust Stan. Would he help Sarah by telling Timmy Sarah was his fiancé if this was the case?

'Oh god please help me' that's all I seem to be doing lately, praying and I hadn't prayed, since my mum was taken away from me. I lost my faith back then but now that is the only thing I had and I just hoped that this time god would help me.

That night I never slept a wink as my mind was too caught up in my misery and worry. Although Thomas and Lisa were trying everything to cheer me up, I knew nothing or no one could do anything to help me as there was only one person that could help settle me now and that was the one person I wasn't allowed to see.

Tears streamed down my face and this time I left them as I snuggled deeper under my covers. "Oh Timmy love please come back to me. I'm so worried, I need you to just hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright, just like you always do." I pleaded hoping in some way he would hear me.

The next morning I felt no better, if anything I felt worse. I couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Sarah all over Timmy. My heart was breaking and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. Slipping out of bed I went straight down stairs to see if Thomas or Lisa had heard any more news on Timmy's condition. I was hoping today Thomas would take us to see him. Just thinking of seeing Timmy had me running down the rest of the stairs.

"LISA THOMAS" I called as I hit the last step. Both of them came running out of the kitchen looking panicked. Shoving aside there panicked faces, "Any news?" I questioned. They both looked at me for a second before Thomas answered. "Damn girl, could you not scare us like that again! Lisa's pregnant you know and she doesn't need to be scared like that and yes we have news for you." He said sounding pretty pissed but I didn't care because I just wanted the news.

"WELL?" I pushed. "The surgery went fine and he is doing well." Oh for the love of god, I mentally screamed.

"Lisa just tells me please." Lisa looked at Thomas then back at me. "Come on lets go and sit down and I'll tell you." Once seated at the kitchen table Lisa began.

"Ok as Thomas has already told you Timmy is doing fine but his foot is a lot worse than they expected." She stopped and took in a deep breath.

"Alicia they have repaired the damage as much as they could but it's still not clear if he will be able to walk properly again or not." She stopped again, frustrating me.

"Lisa is he going to live? Has he lost his memory? I don't care if he can't see walk or even talk, all I need to know is, is he alive and does he remember everything." I asked because I didn't care about anything else because I knew I would love him just as much no matter what.

"Yes except from the slight concussion cracked ribs and cuts and grazes he is fine. He is a live." I left out a big breath as my body took in the news. My Timmy was alive! He was going to live. He was going to be alright. All the fear I had been feeling flowed out of me through my tears. My body shook with relief.

"HE'S ALIVE" I screamed! I jumped off my chair and hugged Lisa tightly then I ran over to Thomas. "TIMMY'S ALIVE. HE'S GOING TO BE OK. IVE NOT LOST HIM. I screamed through my happy sobs.

Collapsing back into my chair before I fell, I sat silently smiling to myself while still crying my happy tears. It was going to be ok. Timmy and I will work it out. Bubbling with excitement I jumped back out of my seat.

"Come on, get dressed lets go see my lover boy!" both of their smiles dropped as they sat rigid. They both looked away from me. "What?" I asked.

"We're not going to see Timmy, we can't." Lisa whispered.

"What do you mean we can't go to see him?" I asked angrily.

"Alicia for Stan and my plan to work out you cannot be seen with Timmy until the wedding." I was about to lay into him but he cut me off.

"Look Alicia Timmy will call you but if you really love him and I mean really love him you will do this because if you don't he will have no other choice but to marry Sarah." As infuriated as I was, I did love Timmy and as much as it broke me to be away from him I didn't want him having to marry Sarah.

My entire body slumped at the thought of not being able to see Timmy for another couple of weeks. Taking in a deep calming breath I asked "Thomas if I stay away, will you be able to stop the wedding for sure?" although the last thing I wanted right now was to stay away but if staying away from Timmy meant stopping the wedding, then I would do it!


Timmy's alive but might not be able to fully walk again :(

Poor Alicia just as you think things couldnt get any worse for her!

Will she be able to stay away or better still will Timmy????

& the wedding is still going ahead :(

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