Chapter two

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Turning to face Timmy; I suddenly felt grateful for Lisa and Thomas leaving me alone with this hunk of a man. My entire body filled with a nervousness I had never felt but before I could think too much of it he stretched out his hand, offering me a seat beside him. This made my already shot nerves shoot through the roof.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alicia." Oh my god, I felt as if I was going to faint right there and then. No amount of alcohol could've prepared me for this man. His deep raspy voice had my body reacting in a way that I never in a million years thought possible. My entire body heated up, but it wasn't from the alcohol or even from the number of half-naked bodies that were dry humping on the floor. I was hot and flustered by the 'Sex Greek God of a man' that was sat right beside me.

I was in trouble, big trouble! My stomach was having its own personal rave as it flipped and twisted in pure ecstasy. I couldn't believe what this man was doing to me and he had only spoken a few simple words to me. With my legs, beginning to tremble, I gladly took the seat he had offered me. As I knew, damn well that my legs were going to give way any second now.

Slipping in beside him, I stumbled a little and ended up landing on his lap. I felt so embarrassed that I literally leaped right back off his lap, only to be stopped by his big muscular arms wrapping securely around my waist bringing me right back down onto his lap. Feeling the hardness of what I knew was his not so little friend rub against my most sensitive private part, a moan escaped my lips.

'Lisa get your ass back here now girl and save me please before I embarrass myself further. I mentally pleaded feeling totally humiliated with myself.

The silence between us was intense but the sexual tension between us was mind-blowing.

"Alicia please looks at me.," he asked. His low husky voice was laced with pure lust. I knew that at this moment in time, that my blushing face must've looked as red as a tomato, if not redder. Therefore, I tried to look everywhere but at him, as I innocently pretended I hadn't heard him. Even the large amount of topless bodies dry humping on the dance floor was better than letting him see my blushing face right now. His big rough fingers took hold of my chin as he moved me so that I was now facing him head-on. The lust in his eyes which I knew mirrored mine, made my yearning for him to touch me multiply into the millions. Even though I hadn't been with a man, let alone been touched by a man in past eighteen months, the way his touch had my body reacting I was so not ready for it.

What surprised me the most though was that he was slowly ruining my hate for men. I had spent the past eighteen months on building up a wall against all men and the first man I had met, had managed to smash it down with just a few mere words. No mind the few minutes that I've known him!

As much as I wanted to pull away from him, the pull I was feeling towards him was so much more powerful that I couldn't bring myself to move away. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked sounding concerned.

'You, that's what's wrong,' I thought to myself, but I never told him that.

Clearing my throat, I prayed to god that I wouldn't make a bigger fool of myself as I answered him.

"Nothing" I quickly replied, hoping my voice wouldn't let me down. I gave him a small smile hoping that he would buy my lie; after all, he didn't know me did he. Nevertheless, just by the look on his face, I knew that he hadn't bought my lie but luckily, for me, he didn't push me any further.

"So, do you work with Lisa? Because I've never seen you on any of the sets I've been too?" He asked. I felt grateful for the change of conversation, but I couldn't help but laugh aloud; he was having a laugh wasn't he. Every bit of nervousness that I had felt evaporated at hearing his words.

"Come on Timmy do I really look as if I am sexy enough to be a lingerie model?" I asked still laughing. He looked me dead in my eyes and replied "yes" I was so shocked I just sat there staring at him as if he had gone mad, or was he blind, I thought to myself.

Then I noticed he was actually being serious. Stupid man!

"Timmy, for starters I'm too much of a short ass and secondly, I haven't got the perfect figured that Lisa has," I stated whilst leaving out a heavy sigh.

"Well I'm sorry but I'm going to have to disagree with you there Alicia because as for you saying you're a short ass, I think it's cute and sexy as hell," I went to cut him off but he stops me.

"As I was saying, secondly; you are way sexier than any woman I have ever set eyes on, on or offset for that matter." If I thought I felt hot before, well now I was on fire. Seriously, this man had the whole package! The sex appeals, the godly looks as well as the charm, Damn him, I mentally scolded.

Instead of melting on the outside, as I was on the inside, I plucked up all the courage I could, as I could no longer resist this god of a man.

"Well, I have got to tell you that as much as I loved your compliment, I'd have to disagree with you. I am nothing like any of those girls, as much as I'd love to be, I know I'm not. Where you must be a model?" I sort of questioned but stated at the same time whilst hoping to change the conversation over to him. His eyebrows shot up as he began to laugh.

"Oh, Alicia you really haven't a clue who I am do you?" that threw me off guard because now I wanted to know more about him or better still what he did for a living.

Therefore, with the alcohol giving me the inner courage I needed, I pushed to find out more. I might even end up loving Lisa at the end of this night, I thought smiling to myself.

"How would I know anything about you, I've only just met you," I stated matter of factually. Just as he went to tell me who he was and what he did for a living, Lisa came crashing into our table. Grabbing my wrist, she started dragging me towards the dance floor. I knew better than to refuse her because she was well and truly out of her head now. How she got more pissed by dancing I will never know.

I took a quick glance over my shoulder at Timmy. To say I was shocked to see that he was staring directly back at me would be an understatement. Especially with seeing so many other girls here dancing topless. Feeling slightly bold at being at a safe distance, I began to sway my hips a little as we walked out onto the VIP dance floor.

Lisa started grinding up against me. Knowing exactly what game she was intending on playing I gladly went along with her. As I pushed myself up against her, I could feel Timmy's eyes burning into my back. I knew he was looking at me and I guess so did Lisa as she leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Follow my lead I think Mr hot stuff Timmy has the hot's for you." Not needing to be told twice, I closed my eyes and let the music take over my body as I used too. "There is still hope for you yet my deprived sex child." although I wanted to slap her one, I couldn't help but laugh at her stupid remark.


Hmmm do you think tonight is going to be her night ?

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Much love Mel xoxo

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