Chapter eleven

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Chapter 11

It was just seven pm, and I was still in my office making sure everything was perfect for the Mc Cans and the Long’s weddings tomorrow. Everyone else in the office had already left but I wasn’t ready to go home yet as I didn’t really want to be home alone right now.

I used to have Lisa over at the weekends but since she has moved in with Thomas, our weekend sleepovers had stopped. Therefore, now my weekends seemed to drag by so slowly, so instead of being home alone, I took to working instead. However, after tomorrow, I had nothing to do because the only wedding I had left to organise was Lisa and Thomas’s but I already knew what I was doing for them.

 My phone started ringing; seeing it was only Lisa, I answered it. “Hey girly what has you ringing me on a Friday night?” I asked “Well..Thomas and I have been talking and… hold on there one minute missy, where are you?” oh oh, I thought, here comes trouble. “Well I’m just finishing off some work here in the office but I’ll be leaving in a bit. Now come on tell me what you and Thomas have been talking about.” I asked not wanting to get the lecture I was sure I was going to get.

 “Uh uh not this time missy when you get home you can ring me from your house phone then we will talk.” She said, and then hung up on me.  ‘LISA’ I mentally screamed. I was mad that she wouldn’t just tell me whatever it was she wanted to tell me because now she has got my mind spinning again. I wonder if it’s about Timmy? It has to be about Timmy. I thought to myself as I quickly shoved my laptop into my bag so I could finish off at home. Damn you Lisa I mumbled because she knew I hated been, left hanging like that!

As soon as I got home, I rang Lisa straight away. “Ok now tell me you cow, how could you leave me hanging like that, you know I hate when you do that to me.” I told her sternly. She started to laugh. “Well we’re going out be ready in an hour bye.” That was it, she had hung up on me again; if she weren’t pregnant, I swear to god I would kill her right now.

After debating should I or shouldn’t I go out, I decided I would  because what’s a better way to get my mind of things, then to go out and get as drunk as a skunk ha  ha.

Once I was ready, the doorbell rang. “I’m coming,” I shouted as I picked up my purse while slipping on my red Jimmy Choo shoes. I was wearing my favourite black silk sweetheart dress. It was tight around my breasts and then flowed down to just above my knees. It was very sexy but classy at the same time, I just hope that I’m not too over dressed but knowing Thomas and Lisa I knew we would be going some where way upper class.

 Running to open the door, I froze there on the spot. It wasn’t Thomas or even Lisa for that matter. There standing right in front of me in a smart charcoal grey Armani suit looking as sexy as ever was none other than Timmy. Seeing Timmy standing at my front door was a shock, but seeing Timmy standing at my door with a big bouquet of flowers in his hands I thought I was going to have a heart attack. “I guess by the look on your face Thomas and Lisa didn’t tell you that it was me taking you out.” he said sounding as nervous as I was feeling. “hmm…hmm…I..hmmm.” I stuttered as I couldn’t even get my brain to form any words, let alone function.  

‘Timmy’s here, at my house, with a bouquet of flowers ready to take me out’ oh my god what am I going to do? I panicked.

Lisa I don’t know whether I want to kill you or hug you right now’ I thought to myself.


Even though this is exactly what I’ve be hoping, well dreaming of happening, I just couldn’t believe it. Timmy’s loud bellowing laugh seemed to snap me out of my sudden frozen state. “I’m sorry for laughing but your face, you just look so shocked.” He said but by the look on his face, I could tell he was wondering if I was shocked or if something was wrong with me. Stupid man, stupid  sexy player man of course I’m bloody shocked what girl in her right mind wouldn’t be shocked if you were standing at their front door, I thought to myself.

 “Alicia these are for you would you like me to put them in some water for you?” he asked as he walked into my apartment. I just stood there like a fool as I tried to come to terms that Timmy was in my house and was here to take me out. ‘Oh my god is this a date? I asked myself excitedly. “Are you over the shock of seeing my sexy body yet as we have a dinner reservation to get to?” Timmy asked as he slid his hands up and down his body. My blood boiled as he had just ruined my dreamily gooey moment, by opening his big cocky mouth. “Well yes I think I am considering there wasn’t much to look at.” Yes one to me! I mentally screamed at seeing his face dropping. Ha ha. I was so proud that I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

“Well I guess, that if you don’t like my body then you won’t want to join me for dinner then” He said cockily as he started making his way towards my front door. My heart sunk at the thought of him leaving. “Stop please don’t go I’m sorry.” I blurted out without thinking. I wanted to slap myself for sounding so desperate but I couldn’t take it back now, could I. feeling my cheeks burn I quickly turned my face away from him so he wouldn’t see me blushing.

“Aww you are just too cute Alicia.” He was right up beside me now and before I could push him away, he wrapped his arms around me and spun me around, crashing his lips to mine. The kiss wasn’t hard or even wild, as I’d thought it would’ve been but it was soft. No tongues were involved but just his lips against mine gave me the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. My lips opened slightly on their own accord I didn’t know where this courage was coming from but I wanted more of it. I wanted my tongue to taste and explore every inch of his mouth but before I could deepen the kiss, he pulled away. Making me feel in some way cold and empty, even stupid but most of all disappointed.

 Then just as I was thinking he didn’t want me, he placed his hand in mine, entwining our fingers. “Come on beautiful we have to leave now or we will definitely miss our reservation and believe me it wasn’t easy to get at such short notice.”  My heart came to a near stop when he broke our kiss, but as he explained himself to me it felt as if he had attached a live wire into my chest, making my heart go into overdrive.

Omg god poor Alicia lol

Too Hot To Resist  (#Sytycw) completedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin